LE 12.0 - Pi 4B 2GB - Unable to update library: Compressing DB 0%

  • Hello Librelec community ! ^^

    My Pi4B 2GB was running like a charm on LE 11. I did a fresh install with the USB/SD Creator tool of LE 12.

    Started well, added my NAS as movie source but when I hit "Update Library", it displays "Preparing..." and "Compressing DB 0%...", and then nothing. No movies added to my library.

    If I browse manully to the NAS movie folder, then hit one movie and execute "Scan to library", it works ! I can't do this for 326 movies...8|

    Here are the logs:



    Thanks for your help and congrats to the dev team for this news version !

  • Code
    2024-06-16 13:46:58.137 T:936     error <general>: CCurlFile::Exists - <dav://USERNAME:[email protected]:5000/Films/> Failed: Weird server reply(8)
    2024-06-16 13:46:58.137 T:936   warning <general>: Process directory 'dav://' does not exist - skipping scan.

    Do you see the same issue if you use SMB instead of WebDAV?

    I suggest this because "Yes, Kodi supports WebDAV" but I don't recall any of my Team Kodi colleagues ever admitting in public that they used WebDAV to access media, so it's almost never being tested among wider changes. SMB in comparison; is being used all over the place by everyone and will probably just work.

  • Hi Chewitt,

    Just tried and updating library works like a charm when I add the same folder with SMB. That seems related to WebDav and that could be related to the issue you mentioned. When I update a file info manually it works because I am already "logged" in the folder. Seems the updating library process is not doing authentication correctly...

    My NAS is at my parent's house and speed over SMB is very very very slow. That's why I use WebDAV which is the only protocol which gives me full speed...

  • I reported exacty the same issue in kodinerds forum in March:

    Nach Update auf LibreELEC Omega Beta: WebDAV Failed: Weird server reply(8) - Kodinerds
    Hi, hier das Setup: LibreELEC Release 11.0.6 auf Raspberry PI 4 externe MariaDB Datenbank in einem Docker Container Einbindung eines WebDAV Servers für…

    This is definitely a bug. It was working before for years. Reproducible at all my LibreELEC installations on all my Raspberry Pis.

    some more tests:

    - WebDAV with KODI on Mac OS: no problems
    - FTP on LibreELEC 12: no problems
    - SMB on LbreELEC 12: no problems
    - WeDAV on LibreELEC 12: not working

    => WebDAV based Library Scraping is not possible any more :(