LibreElec 12, Raspberry Pi 4 GPIO issue.

  • Hi All,

    Apologies, this is probably a really straight forward support issue.

    I've got an old Raspberry Pi 4, set up as a media center. I've just upgraded this to LibreElec 12 (from an older libreElec), and am now having issues accessing the GPIO.

    I use the GPIO to control a CPU Fan. Previously I was able to run the following commands, which would then allow GPIO Access. (I would run these as part of an

    echo "17" > /sys/class/gpio/export
    echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction

    I now get the following errors:

    LibreELEC:/sys/class/gpio # echo "17" > /sys/class/gpio/export
    sh: write error: Invalid argument
    LibreELEC:/sys/class/gpio # echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction
    sh: can't create /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction: nonexistent directory

    As a result I am unable to access the GPIO, and therefore my fan script won't work.

    Am I missing something really obvious. ?, have I missed a step ? (I documented what I did last time, but maybe I forgot to write somthing down)

    or has there been a change in how I should access the GPIO ?

    I'd be grateful for any advice, as this isn't something I configure very often.

    I did search this forum, but wasn't able to find an answer. I tried installing the pi-tools addon, but the issue persisted.


  • Did you manage to fix this?