hauppauge wintv-dual hd - only see one tuner

  • I flashed the img from LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.0.2.img.gz. then got a Milhouse build, but I picked up a Leia version dated for August. I was a little worried about that. I am trying again, using the links on the top of the page you provided in #142 (Milhouse build (#0531, 31-May-2017: RPi2)

  • The issue with running any Leia builds is lots of things can break on any given overnight release. Especially as the different add-ons are being adjusted. I just realized today that the entire add-on settings structure is being changed for Kodi 18 - so that is messing with some things. Although they're doing a good job of trying to build in backwards compatibility.

    The way you probably want to go is with the LE 8.2 release when it happens. Until then - you could just stay on my temp build from LE 8.

    If you choose to stay with LE 9 overnight builds - you need to make sure you setup the Milhouse add-ons custom channel info from testing notes 7 on the Kodi 18 forum for LE test builds. That way you'll get the updated add-ons.

    So far - mine seem to work ok on LE 9 - but I will likely rework with proper settings and clean up the code when we get a lot closer to that release.

  • Thanks for your comments. Milhouse May build I tried was too early (before Leia I guess)... no crazycat enabling. I tried July 30 build. Another interesting item I noticed is when trying to addon TVheadend backend it says it also wants to add os.libreelec.tv, but it's unavailable.

  • OK, I added the update channel Index of /builds/master/RPi2/ and said to use milhouse9.0. (libreelec settings).

    Update Channel is Milhouse9.0

    I am at version 805. rebooted, I went to addons, install from repos, chose LibreELEC repo, install tvh add on, under dependencies, it says os.libreelec.tv unavailable.

  • OK that's weird - I would suggest posting this issue under the kodi forums > Raspberry Pi > Kodi 18 LE Test Builds thread to see if someone there has suggestions.

    Also - you could start at LE 8 - install the tvheadend addons (service and pvr client) then do the Milhouse update - it should update the addons automatically at that point.

  • ......

    Also - you could start at LE 8 - install the tvheadend addons (service and pvr client) then do the Milhouse update - it should update the addons automatically at that point.

    That worked. Thanks.

    (Update 8/7/2017)... I still see dependency issues for updates on the TVheadend client and backend. Having issues with recording and subtitles. Once I learn a little more about how logs work, I guess I can try and correspond to the test build thread. I am happy though, that I can get something running on recent builds and learn more on what I need to do, and/or contribute to debugging issues.

    Edited once, last by elrd (August 7, 2017 at 1:41 PM).

  • Im considering upgrading my main x86 HTPC to libreelec to use the hauppauge wintv-dual hd, is there a specific image i should be downloading for it?

    Really am sick of running windoze its becoming more and more unreliable.
