[RPI4-nightly]Unreliable WI-FI detection & password prompt

  • Since I started with LibreELEC about a year ago, Kodi Libreelec doesn't detect well my wireless WI-FI network, both 2.4 and 5 GHz. My phone, tv and PC detect them perfectly full time. But Kodi just detects all my neigbourhood wifis except mine. Sometimes it takes some minutes, sometimes it just won't. And the RPi is close to the router, 2 meters away. I disabled energy saving settings on Kodi wireless network interface options, but it doesn't help.

    It is not a thing of 5Ghz az only network, or 2.4 only n, sometimes it sees it, sometimes it won't. It's super frustrating.||

    Is there any reason or limitation of Libreelec Wireless interface that prevents this?

    I didn't found problems with other OS wifi connection on the RPI4 like Dietpi.

    Edited 2 times, last by wyup (May 29, 2024 at 10:51 PM).

  • Have you set the Wireless Regulatory Domain? .. this can help with ensuring country-specific radio properties are aligned with the router capabilities.

  • Have you set the Wireless Regulatory Domain? .. this can help with ensuring country-specific radio properties are aligned with the router capabilities.

    Yes, i did, but it doesn't make any difference.

    Also, it asks me the password from time to time on both 2.4 and 5Ghz SSIDS, even when I haven't changed it at all. I entered the actual one, and it rejects it! It's crazy. Then after some minutes it appears and connects itself to the network it wants.

    I have both networks with static channels, 13 channel on 2.4 n and first 36 channel on 20/40/80Mhz on 5Ghz ac. I have set one second of beacon interval. No problems with any other devices.

    I have just booted lastest updated Raspberry Pi OS and it detects and connect to my wireless networks allright. (what a relief!)

    I tried disabling zeroconf aswell, no improvement.

    I must say I've always run LE nightlies.

    Edited 2 times, last by wyup: checked latest Raspberry Pi OS (May 29, 2024 at 3:10 PM).

  • Also, it asks me the password from time to time on both 2.4 and 5Ghz SSIDS, even when I haven't changed it at all. I entered the actual one, and it rejects it! It's crazy. Then it appears and connects itself.

    I had something similar with one of my RPi (the only one without cable), became it far better after switching off the "zeroconf" (settings/services/general) and applied an auto reboot cron job for every night. Try it too if you want.

    But that is true, something could be wrong with the wifi connection in LE ("iwd[393]: event: connect-failed, status: 16"), I have devices using the same wifi (phones, tablet, laptop), none of them had any same (re)connection issue (waiting for the password, but doesn't accept).

    I keep my previous opinion, if you have any possibility to switch to cable, do it! Far better connection, no more password-encryption, stable speed...

  • I tried disabling zeroconf but it didn't have any effect. I just come from booting latest official RPI OS, updated, and no problem at all detecting and changing my 2.4 and 5 wireless networks with actual router configuration. So it is not Pi hardware or coverage.

    I undestand about cable, but cable is not an option, I can't dangle cables across the aisle. There is no excuse for wireless not working well on Libreelec.

    Edited once, last by wyup (May 29, 2024 at 10:49 PM).

  • LE uses the same RPi kernel as RPiOS but it’s possible that one or the other is using vendor binaries not in-kernel drivers for the wireless chipset. The other probable difference is that we use iwd and RPiOS is probably still using wpa_supplicant.