Official LE13 Test Images for Amlogic (Kodi-22)

  • Does this version work with S805?

    No, AMLGX is for S905 and up. The AMLMX image supports S805 .. although that's rather unfinished and I didn't find the enthusiasm to do any work on it in about two years now. There's a couple of older test images in my webshare but they are not supported (as I can't remember much about them at this point) and they're now rather dated.

  • Hi chewitt

    I saw you have removed the 12.80 build in your testing download

    I use your minix-u9 libreelec 12.80 build to install to emmc then downgrade to 12.0.1 stable

    I use this method to install to internal emmc but now I cannot find the 12.80 build . Can you provide the links if you still have it?

    There's a few bug I encounter in your 12.80 in order to make it works but cannot recall what was that . I have Minix u9h with me and perhaps we can make it to official build

    Thank you

  • I pulled the images from the share because they were becoming dated and at the moment I don't have time or enthusiam to rebase the changes and test newer kernels. If you're desperate the wiki has self-build instructions and the "amlogic" branch in my GitHub repo has the last-built state.

  • AFAICT the only difference between AM6 and AM6+ is the plus using a DV licensed SoC chip (S922X-J) which is irrelevant for upstream kernel using devices. If it makes you feel better, rename "meson-g12b-ugoos-am6.dtb" to "meson-g12b-ugoos-am6-plus.dtb" and pretend that you have a special dtb for your board.

  • RAM size is irrelevant to upstream kernel image as the kernel calculates size so doesn't need to have it forced in the dtb. EMMC size is irrelevant as we do not support installation to internal storage. CPU/GPU opp-points aren't that relevant: You might miss the top end of frequencies but it doesn't make a practical difference. The existing S922X opp-points are enough for software decoded 1080p output and a responsive interface, and reworking the dtb to include higher speeds (I'd guess it's using the same CPU opp-points as the A311D) isn't going to add enough headroom for software decoded 4K media.

  • I've pushed a u-boot 2024.10 bump to images in my test share. It would be nice to hear some test reports with it.

    Just tried it on my Minix Neo U9-H. Kodi fails to start. In fact, I am encountering the same problems I described a while back in this post: First boot, stuck on boot screen

    Those issues were fixed a while ago, but seem to be back now. It keeps starting and stopping kodi.service and keeps running Job wait-time-sync.service/start running.

    I tried adding ssh to boot params, but am unable to connect to ssh (using the command ssh [email protected])

    I also tried booting into textmode and running systemctl start sshd, and systemctl restart sshd, but was still unable to connect via SSH.

    Running journalctl | paste gave the following URL: