Help with Wetek Play 2 sd card boot

  • I'm trying and failing to boot LE12 from an SD card on my Wetek Play 2.

    At present I'm booting LE 8.25 on the emmc. I can switch to an SD card image and boot LE9 just fine.

    After powering on I'm holding down the remote power button in the hope it'll recognise LE12. However, it just boots the LE8 emmc. How do I get it to switch with LE12?

    I've read through the guide and it doesn't make much sense to me. There's something about editing uEnv.ini in the root folder, but there isn't a uEnv.ini in the root.

    I've flashed the image to 2 cards. Thought maybe one might be duff.

    The wetek remote seems to work.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • I didn't understand that you need to use the Generic Box Image. The instructions seemed to differentiate between Wetek devices and others. With the others being the generic devices. Sorry if I'm not the brightest button.

    Anyway, it's up and running now. With just an "invalid key" wi-fi problem to overcome.

    Edited once, last by Confused (May 8, 2024 at 4:07 PM).

  • For the wifi problem there is a long thread here (I see the same with a wetek play 2):

    I've managed to overcome the wi-fi issue by spending the last four hours or so trunking a cable around the room and behind the fireplace. So I now have a wired network connection and everything seems to be AOK. But by jingo the LE12 UI is slow. Maybe the sluggish response is to be expected from an OS on an SD (class 10) card. Or maybe it's a software issue. If it's the latter I'm not sure I'll be happy flashing it to the emmc. I think I'll give LE11 a go tomorrow and see if that's a little snappier.

    Edited once, last by Confused (May 8, 2024 at 10:52 PM).

  • Kodi got a little heavier with time and this is hardware from 2015. Running from eMMC storage will be a little faster, but I would focus more on whether the box is functionally okay with your media before taking that step (although restoring the factory Android image is simple). AMGLX is not perfect and some folks will be better off with legacy images.

    LE11 will not improve anything over LE12 speed-wise and functionally it's a half-step backwards. Your call :)