Scraper Error

  • I had just got through scraping all my movies to set up library on Kodi.

    So I scraped a movie again ALITA BATTLE ANGLE (2019) but the log page pop up

    4/29/2024 11:59:47 PM

    * One Or more errors were detected during scraping. See below for details. *
    * To disable seeing this, turn off General Preferences -'Show log on error'. *

    1 new movie found in [E:\MOVIE\ALITA BATTLE ANGLE (2019)]

    A total of 1 new movie found -> Starting Main Scraper Process...

    Scraping Title: ALITA BATTLE ANGLE
    Unable to scrape body with refs "ALITA BATTLE ANGLE", "2019"
    TMDB may not be available or Movie Title is invalid
    HD Tags Added OK

    Just don't know what happen, the movie is named right got the year out to the end, would it make difference if i add (2019) or just plane 2019 without the ()

  • It looks like TMDB has a movie named "Alita: Battle Angel (2019)", I'm always replacing ":" with " - ".

    I.e. "Alita - Battle Angel (2019)" and using parentheses "( )" around year, keeps it easier to sort/search as sometimes movies has year in the names as such.

    This has always worked for me at least.

  • Well, i finally got all of my movies and tv scarped and then i added them to my Kodi library that i have on my desktop to see if everything looks good before putting them on my Raspberry Pi.

    Today, i had to redo some artwork myself and added them by just removing the old artwork and replacing them.

    I had one poster in a movie folder "puss in boots" PUSS IN BOOTS (2011)-poster. i got a better looking poster and named it the same, but once that i reloaded it in the kodi library, it still shows the old poster. What's up with that.

    I had another movie and replaced the poster "Dutch (1991)-poster. I reloaded the movie in the kodi library and it did good.