Copying config to a new device with a different architecture.

  • I have a LibreElec 11 install I'm very happy with on an ANCIENT x86 computer. I'm getting ready to move away from chromecast and put small libreElec boxes all over the house, and I've just freed up several Raspberry Pi 4's which I want to use.

    I have done "Create system and Kodi" backup, but I have a bunch of stuff installed from other repos (Disney+ plugin, Amazon Prime plugin, Netflix Plugin, chrome browser plugin). Also, I'm going from x86_64 to arm64. I have to imagine it's not as simple as "restore backup" right? Also, the new ones will be new hostnames and IPs, does that get restored when I restore? I don't fully understand what comes in the backup; it's a ton of files and it almost looks like a full system image. Is it normal to cherry pick things out of a backup? Is there a better way to approach this?

  • Everything you want to keep/reuse is in the Kodi userdata folder. Everything else has references to specific hosts or hardware that you don't want to duplicate or retain. So stop Kodi and restore only /storage/.kodi/userdata from backup (or recursive scp it from old x86 host to clean-installed RPi4's over the network to avoid the hassle of remembeing tar commands) then restart Kodi and reinstall add-ons from repos and the existing add-on configs will be reused. You will need to revisit some Kodi system settings as info on audio devices etc. will be incorrect after the hardware change, and change the device name in LE settings so they're all unique.