Long Press on TV Remote not bringing up RightClick?

  • Hello ,

    i have sort of question / request (if not already implemented)

    when using LibreElec now it would function also with the normal TV Remote which is a very nice feature, thank you very much for that.

    Now there are some situation were i still would need the keyboard;

    there are some files, which i would play after bringing up "Play" Command via RightClick or longPress of Enter on Keyboard.

    this would be needed for .iso files or .dvdmedia.

    now , with the remote this seem not function;

    when i "longpress" Enter on REmote, it would just go through the file structure,

    maybe this is just a limitation of that specific remote, if not, please take it into account.

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  • There is an addon where you can define your TV remote buttons, forgot the name.

    I made the file gen.xml in the keymaps folder and used the red button for the context menu, yellow as home and blue for queue.

    <key id="251">contextmenu</key>
    <key id="253">activatewindow(home)</key>
    <key id="254">activatewindow(videoplaylist)</key>

  • insulator thank you,

    my remote also has red, yellow, blue buttons, but those seem not active under libreelec , even after i install add-on (maybe this is the one you are referring to?)

    Add-on:Keymap Editor - Official Kodi Wiki

    and putting the keymap you shared as gen.xml into


    Keymap - Official Kodi Wiki

    maybe for the remote another key-id is needed, but how could i read the proper id out, if the remote is just a tv remote with no usb dongle?

    the tv is a low-end sharp ().

  • gen.xml must be copied to userdata/keymaps folder, but probably your remote control needs different codes?

    yes, it was this addon, but it is not easy to understand how it works, when I remember correctly.

    Try to find contextmenu in the addon somewhere, than you have to press the button on the remote and save the settings.

  • IIRC long-press isn't supported with CEC remotes (aka your TV remote) in kodi.

    so long,


    I have Odroid HC-4 with CoreELEC and long press on TV remote OK works just fine to bring up the context menu. So maybe not directly by Kodi, but it is supported somehow.

    Same goes for HDR10+, but I don't really care about it.

    Long press to bring up context menu is the only thing I still can not figure out since the switch to LibreELEC.

    Any idea how they did it?