12 beta 1, no ethernet after reboot

  • hello, installed 12 beta 1 in my orange pi3 lts (SD card install to keep my emmc installation and settings), this i have found:

    -first boot after installing its ok, but after doing some config (country, language, time zone and others including static ethernet IP to have access with Kore app), second reboot (always with power off-on cycle), then ethernet connection is not working anymore, no ethernet detected after several reboots (this issue happends to me with Nexus 11.0.x sometimes as well, but not often and after one reboot the ethernet conn works again normally).

    -2nd format SD and reinstall, ethernet detected, no personal config done, reboot and no ethernet, 2nd boot no ehernet, 3rd reboot ethernet working, again testing to disable dhcp and set static IP (thinking this may be the problem) and again no ethernet anymore after reboot, but...

    -third SD fresh install, first boot no ethernet (just after SD rearrange by Libreleec), no config changes made, second reboot ethernet working... after that i tried severals (20-25 times) shutdown+power off-on cycle with more than 90% no-ethernet issue after a new reboot, seems to be random fails but quite more often than with 11.0.x.


    Edited 5 times, last by jordixPI3 (April 9, 2024 at 7:48 AM).

  • Go to Best Answer
  • Enable persistent logging (so logs are retained during non-Ethernet boots) and then share them. If you're lucky there's some error messages that provide clues to the problem.

  • ok, done, how to share?

    edit: maybe i have to reboot until it get LAN connection to use "subbmit log" thing?

    edit 2: sent to both links (i dint know which one so i send both)

    Edited 3 times, last by jordixPI3 (April 9, 2024 at 2:50 PM).

  • sorry, im confused. i go into settings-> librelelec-> system and under logging i did activate "use persistent logs", journal size 30mib, disable journal rate limit on.

    then what log do you need and how to get to you?, i see "upload latest kodi log and configs" and "upload latest kodi crash log and conffigs"

  • "journalctl -b 0 --no-pager | paste" <= gives you the current boot (index 0) and sends to our pastebin site

    "journalctl -b 1 --no-pager | paste" <= gives you the previous boot (index 1) and sends to pastebin

    increment the index to get the right logs (that exhibit the issue) then share the pastebin URLs

  • thank you, i think i have send it... this time i was lucky, 1st boot no ethernet, 2nd boot ethernet so i send journal 0 and journal 1, i did text copy/paste on notepad of the screen text and links in case you need them.

    this was done on 10th march so ethernet conn. went up when the date points to march 10th i think because 27 feb 16:26 its the time it showed me when ethernet was not working.


    Edited once, last by jordixPI3 (April 10, 2024 at 12:00 PM).

  • Code
    echo "sleep 10" > /storage/.config/autostart.sh

    I'm wondering if the issue is related to timing/scheduling during boot. That ^ should force userspace boot to pause itself for 10 secs to allow more time for the kernel to finish loading drivers and settle itself etc. before connection manager and other network setup things run. Does that make any difference? .. share a log afterwards.

  • Login by SSH, and apply the commands at post #10.

    sorry again guys, i didnt see the pasted code, may be my browser... i could swear that was not there first time i read it.

    is this setting persistent or just for one boot? (i ask to know if i have to apply the delay more times to test several boots)

    thank you

  • is this setting persistent or just for one boot? (i ask to know if i have to apply the delay more times to test several boots)

    It's persistent for any boot. Of course you can remove or edit the timing by using the nano editor on SSH:

    nano /storage/.config/autostart.sh