Store downloads on external drive instead of boot drive

    - On my current setup, the boot LibreElec 11 drive is a USB stick with limited 1Gb space.
    - The downloaded files are stored in /storage/downloads/on the boot USB drive, however I also have SSD drives attached to the motherboard, which are all automatically mounted to /media/ssd1 ...ssd2 at boot time.

    Is there a way to map this system folder to an external drive i.e.
    /storage/downloads/ >> symlink >>/media/ssd-x/)
    should I change the docker volume setup i.e.
    --volume=/media/ssd-x:/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads \ ?

    The PC with LibreElec boots from the USB and works fine, with USB persistence out of the box.
    Does this mean the "whole system" is loaded to, and runs from RAM after boot?

    Thank you!

    Edited once, last by bpr323 (March 17, 2024 at 12:00 PM).

  • Awesome, spasibo mate!

    I absolutely love the idea of making any changes on a "spare" LE boot USB and quickly revert back to "main" USB without hacking the system drives, restoring the image from backups, etc. Will write up a Howto on my LE setup with Docker scripts to help other noobs like me :)