report oft Kodi full crash with reboot

  • The first step in triage is to update to a current LE12 nightly release to see if newer versions of everything have already resolved the issue. Nightlies are quite stable, we're about to issue the first release in a short beta run.

  • Never did this. Do you have a Tutorial for that.
    how to backup, how to upgrade, how to revert.

    This libreelec is mostly not used by my. If something is wrong I need a fast way Back ( in best case in some minutes) and an in best case an automated way into the normal release, the moment beta get updated.

  • I think you are asking a lot from a free app. You can easily install a nightly build and adjust to your needs. As far as being a fast fix that depends on host of things [speed of your internet, your device etc.] You didn't mention your hardware and there are a number of ways to load up LE and test without disturbing your current setup. On a PC just load a thumbdrive or on a Pi just another SD card.

  • My hardware is a Raspberry Pi. I somehow assumed, that a free app that relay on users that helps and report in their freetime do focus on as easy as possible contribution. Even for normal users.

    A collection of Kodi Crashlogs as zip and into a base64:


  • If you check the Wiki at page top you can find "How to" for just about anything LibreElec related. If you wish help from the forums (1) type of hardware you are using RPi has several models and different builds

    (2) The Wiki at page top has step by to record and submit logs and lots of helpful info.

    Check it out and if you still have issues there's plenty of friendly folks here to lend a hand. Just remember the site mods and all the devs her are volunteers who generously spend their time providing this great software package so help them help you by doing a bit of search before you post. Someone has probably had the same issue or error and found a fix and posted it.