SMB stopped working

  • I was running 11.0.6 without problems on an tiny pc with Core i3 gen.

    Since yesterday I cannot access the media on my NAS directly over smb with the name of the server. I only get a connection time out failure.

    When I tried to connect over the IP-Adress I can get a new network connection and access the media, but I lost all my progress, what I have watched and what not.

    I hope you could solve my problem.

  • If you scraped media into the library from smb://nas/share/files, this is the path stored in the library. If the NAS is now accessed using smb:// the path is different and Kodi treats this like new files.

    First, try this to see if it restores name resolution:

    echo "        servername servername.local" >> /storage/.config/hosts.conf

    Or experiment with path substition

  • When I look at your reply, I see that you wrote smb://nas/share . I don't know why, but I saw in the serverlist, that there was a "/" more. In my list it looks like smb:///nas/share .

    I have not changed it, but could that be a problem, too?