BBC Four HD missing from Channel scan - Astra 28.2E

  • Have successfully replaced BBC SD channels with new HD's
    but FourHD is eluding me despite 3 attempts (Einstein's definition of a fool springs to mind!)
    Could this have anything to do with the fact I am on Version:
    I am told version ( is available for download) but despite my not having changed the update setting from auto (default) no update has taken place.

    Running Pi4 headless using X2 Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-S2's

    Satellite Frequencies | Help receiving TV and radio
    Tells me it's on Transponder 48 (DSat 6) service id 10365.

  • I am guessing you are using NextPVR and wonder if there is an issue with shared channels on Linux. Scan when the new channel is available and post your zipped logs on the NextPVR forum.

    LE should have updated you to 6.1.5 on LE 11 and 12 though. If you need support you would need to update the logs. There is an option to download the latest which is fine to use if LE auto updating fails.

  • emveepee
    Apologies - not deliberately trying to double up. I was hoping there might be someone on the NextPVR forum who had succeeded in "tuning" BBC Four HD and found a solution.
    Just started another scan and will post the log on NextPVR forum

    As for updating; I have not been able to find how/where I can 'action' download/install of latest version of LE.
    My thinking behind this; it might hold the cure to the inability to find the channel I am after

  • There are two issues here, one with LE not updating the addon. You don't need to update LE you need to post a link to LE's debug Kodi log.

    However if you want to simply check the new version, there is the option in the server addon settings I noted to download the latest version manually. I always recommend newer versions over old but I think your scan problem is really what I posted here.…89618#pid589618


  • Sorry guys there was no mention of what server software was being used other than a version number which I missed. Might have been an idea to mention NPVR in the original post.

    I’ll run a scan in NPVR on Astra 28.2 over the weekend and report back.

    I noticed you have 2xWinTV Nova S2s attached to an RPI4. I imagine that is a considerable current draw on the RPI4 power supply which may give erratic results under load. Not an LE issue but something you may want to bear in mind.