I have already tried different images on my pi5 with now problems, no i decide to go to libreelec again (always used with a pi4 with no problems) so what can i do to set the correct resolution or frequency from boot?
No bootscreen after new install (stable or nightly) on rasp5 connected to hdmi 1080x50hz loewe television? cables are ok...
zor -
February 8, 2024 at 7:04 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Login by SSH, and open the file cmdline.txt. It works similar to config.txt.
- Append vc4.force_hotplug=1 to the end of the line.
- Store that file, and reboot.
SSH is not installed...because i can't login yet.
i didn't tell it that i try to boot from SSD if that makes a different? i see "libreelec" on my network so it must boot-up...
Oke, i tried this with "notepad+" connected to my windows and let you know...
boot=UUID=0802-3506 disk=UUID=76531c23-2986-4d73-aff1-702383d5700e quiet console=ttyAMA10,115200 console=tty0 vc4.force_hotplug=1
Add "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@50" and "ssh" to kernel boot params in cmdline.txt and it will force initial HDMI output to that resolution/refresh and force the SSH daemon to start so you can access the device to investigate.
@DaFlex your solution doesn't work for me 😩
chewitt I give it a try but why must I do this manually when Ubuntu or Ubuntu-server do this automatically?
Boot connected to display and power but with nothing else connected (no sdcard).
You should get a diagnostic display. Report the contents of the "display:" line.
@ chewitt I added "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@50" and ssh to cmdline. txt, now I can enter with ssh (thanks for that tip! ) but no image yet.🙄
@ popcornmix I inform you, now at work😉
Do you use the HDMI-0 port of RPi5? That's the one near to the USB-C port.
display:DISPO: HPD=0 EDID=none #0
With the other hdmi port same problem.
#2 DISP1 HPD=0 EDID=none #0
The television shows kodi 1920*1080i/50hz
Is there a way to see my settings with ssh?
Maybee I can reedout information of my pi4. (I know that I change also something year's ago when the pi 4 came out.
So it works with the pi4(but I can't see the config.txt anymore)
OK found it(in pi4 with ssh) in flash... cmdline.txt=
boot=UUID=1108-507 disk=UUID=3542a3ff-9e05-4d2b-80ce-0438958f4de6 quiet
Does someone know more with that?
The cmdline.txt from RPi4 has the default settings, so in theory you don't need extra options on RPi5, except SSH.
Please install the LE image again on microSD. This time use Balena Etcher. It does verification after writing.
Already done this, same problem.
In log i see
CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats
2024-02-09 18:21:29.706 T:1155 info <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S24NE3 -
That message is harmless.
- Activate log level 1 by creating an advancedsettings.xml file.
- Reboot.
- Login by SSH, run pastekodi, and post the resulting URL.
Here we go https://paste.libreelec.tv/immense-crayfish.log
thanks in advance -
Thx. No obvious errors. You're still at log level 0:
Code2024-02-09 19:29:02.418 T:1056 info <general>: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
Use this advancedsettings.xml for log level 1:
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <advancedsettings version="1.0"> <loglevel hide="true">1</loglevel> </advancedsettings>
Not sure, what to do next. Provide another log at log level 1. Maybe we'll find more details then.
HDMI 1 https://paste.libreelec.tv/tough-stallion.log
HDMI 0 https://paste.libreelec.tv/smart-buffalo.log
Fresh install with PI4 works like a charm.
Please retest with a current LE12 nightly. Thanks.