Rasbperry Pi 3 - how disable Wifi?

  • Hello ,

    i just got a fancy new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+,

    and trying to figure out how to disable WiFi with Libreelec installed?

    Please let me know how to do it.

    this post here seem suggest to go to /boot/config.txt but it does not seem present in libreelec.


    How do I turn off wifi? - Raspberry Pi Forums

    thank you

    it says

     rfkill list
    0: hci0: bluetooth
    	Soft blocked: no
    	Hard blocked: no
    1: phy0: wlan
    	Soft blocked: yes
    	Hard blocked: no

    however, i would like both Bluetooth + Wiùfi "HardBlocked" as best as possible, thanks.

    Edited once, last by kapqa: Ein Beitrag von kapqa mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. (February 6, 2024 at 12:54 PM).

  • thank you,

    that was helpful, now it reads


    # Disable Wifi

    rfkill list
    0: hci0: bluetooth
    	Soft blocked: no
    	Hard blocked: no

    and aftwer adding the line for bluetooth


    the reading says

     rfkill list
    LibreELEC:~ # 

    however, when compared to Raspberry Pi1 , the RF reader gives still rather high reading, even with WiFi and Bluetooth OFF, so i would say mission only partly accomplished.

    Is there not a BIOS switch to disable more properly the WiFi+Bluetooth?

    EDIT> it seems the reading is comparable to the Raspberry Pi1 after the switchOFF of WiFi+Bluetooth, so would like to retract the prior statement of higher readings<

    but still , it is nowhere an ideal solution.

    Edited once, last by kapqa (February 8, 2024 at 9:05 AM).