Bug - Screensaver blinks on Rock64 nightly and system becomes unusable.

  • I have installed nightly LibreELEC-RK3328.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20240204-78a0ba1-rock64.img

    When the screensaver starts, it blinks between what what video was playing and the asteroids screensaver.
    When you do something that would normally stop the screensaver, the screensaver does not stop.
    If you press the play button you may be able to get playing video and the screensaver blinking. However the button menu never shows, and then the system will no longer respond to any further input. It will have to be power cycled before it will respond again. Also I can not ssh into it once this issue is present.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Install and select the asteroids screensaver option (it may happen with others, I just know causes an issue for sure).
    2. Enable Automatically close video OSD on the skin.
    3. Disable Use dim if paused during video playback.
    4. Start a video.
    5. Pause the video.
    6. Wait the time period required for the screensaver to start.
    7. Observe that the screensaver having a seizure.

    Video of issue: https://screenpal.com/watch/cZnfbgVd6dM

    The video starts paused, and after about 2-3 seconds I was able to unpause it.

    I have tried a few videos, and am able to reproduce the issue on them all.