MP3 Covers not updating

  • Hi,

    my problem is, that my MP3 Covers are not updated if i change them in the MP3-IDTag even if I update the Source in Kodi.

    I have LibreElec 11.0.5 installed on a ThinClient HP-T630 and works fine. About 1500 MP3s with covers in the IDTag inside running fine.

    I changed a few of the covers in the tags but Kodi still shows me the old ones.

    I tried different programs like MusicMonkey, MP3Tag and even Kodi on an Fire TV Stick. All of them show me the newest cover

    But not LibreElec-Kodi.

    Then after 2 days of trying I copied such an MP3 and renamed it in the same path.

    So now in the new file i see the new cover and in the old file the old cover also in LibreElec-Kodi.

    What am i doing wrong or why does Kodi do not update this covers.

    How can i fix this or is there another workaround to not copy my modified files

    Best regards


  • After searching for cache i found this :

    I deleted this db-File and restarted and it helped, so my new Covers are visible.

    But this should not be the normal way, right ? Refreshing Library should affect this the same ...

    Should I raise a request somewhere or is there another solution in Kodi existing.

  • Where do i find this directory ?

    If i look with Windows in the share or per SSH i see both the same like :

    It's there, but it's hidden, because .cache starts with a point. Your solution at post #4 is better, because you don't delete the complete cache. I guess it's possible to write an update script that only deletes the specific DB file from that cache folder.