Nightly update channel latest only showing 20231209

  • yea something is broken with all 3328 builds, they are build correctly but never arrived at the nightlies, we have a look

    Ok. I’ll hold off using the nightly updates until the problem is resolved.

    As I mentioned the LE check for available updates is still reporting the latest as 20231209 so it appears that it’s the last Arm version release that’s reported available on the server. The next available version after that is 20231210 but that appears to be an aarch64 build.

    They are there it’s just the sort that is wrong. And arm versus aarch64.

    Search for:

    LibreELEC-RK3328.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20240116-b7b2da0-rock64.img.gz (sha256)

    Thought this was interesting. A little confusion over naming conventions.
    Would that have any impact on the LE GUI updater not finding the latest nightly.…20%22aarch32%22).

    Edited once, last by petediscrete: Merged a post created by petediscrete into this post. (January 17, 2024 at 4:18 PM).

  • For LE12. We initially were continuing to run arm32 on the 64bit devices. All 64bit devices are now running aarch64 (Rockchip was one of the last to be changed over.)

    When changing over from arm to aarch64 you will need to update the binary addons.

    I’m not sure on the LE check itself - by Manual intervention using the .update folder is the way forward.

    ** In LE12 there are no more arm builds for the 64bit systems, only aarch64.

  • I found the inbuilt LE updater very convenient as I didn’t need to find a unit to remotely access LE to run an update every night. I’m happy enough to stay on the arm 20231209 version at the moment.

    What does surprise me is I haven’t noticed anyone else highlighting this issue before now. In fairness I don’t spend much time on the forum. I prefer to enjoy the LE experience instead and updating nightly and testing each release was my contribution to the project. Thanks anyway.

  • The settings-addon check is based on what's currently runing, so if current = "arm" then it searches for compatible "arm" releases and doesn't find anything beyond the date we switched everything to "aarch64" .. so you'll need to do a manual update (wget the file from the server) and from that point forwards updates will work again.

    You'll also need to uninstall/reinstall any binary add-ons; just keep/save the add-on settings when uninstalling and once they are reinstalled everything just works again.

  • Yes that checks out with the last available arm update on the 20231209. I assume once you switch over to aarch the LE updater is back functional again which speeds up the nightly update process.

    I work on the basis of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” so I’ll stick with the arm install I have for the moment. I don’t want to tempt fate at this stage 😝

    The Rock64 is an excellent SBC but unfortunately support for it is marginal to say the least. It was sitting on the shelf just waiting for LE to be installed and I’ve had zero issues with it since. I’ll probably start with a fresh aarch install on a separate SD card and take it from there. Would an arm backup restore successfully on an aarch install I wonder.

  • Rockchip seem to be taking upstreaming more seriously again, but there's lots to do, the focus is mostly on the flagship RK3358 at the moment, and the media codecs are always left till last as they require the greatest effort.

    Other than the need to remove/readd binary add-ons the arm > aarch64 change is low drama.

  • Just did a fresh install of the aarch64 version and all good so far. Being a long time user I’ve noticed the Confluence skin add-on is missing. Is it currently compatible with the aarch64 version.

  • For anyone following the nightlies and using the Confluence skin which is currenly disabled, following the Github advice download the skin in zip format by right-clicking on the green Code button on the top right corner of the screen. Save the zip file to your PC. Unzip this file and you'll see a file named addon.xml. Open this file with a plain text editor. Move down to Line 4 of the file and you'll see the line

    <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.15.0"/>

    Edit this line to read

    <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.17.0"/>

    Save the file and zip up the folder again. Best to save it to USB stick. On your LE system insert the USB stick and go to System>Settings<Add-ons>Install from zip file.Select the zip file from your USB stick. Once completed go to System>Interface>Skin select Skin and you will see Confluene available once again to install.

    While things are in a state of change you'll probably need to do this again after an update but for someone like me who's being using Confluence skin for years it's a temporary solution that works.