[RPi3] Open-iSCSI Support

  • I'd like to try open-scsi to access a DVD drive in a media server near by. Unfortunately the open-scsi package in packages/sysutils/ in the source tree seems not to be included in the image LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-11.0.4.img.gz.

    Can this package be compiled separately and then installed on the Pi, and if so, how could this be schieved? Any hints are welcome.


    There is not much to be found on the web about this topic. I found some thread by users with the same problem but advice was not very helpful, like

    • open-iscsi is located only in the initramfs - I don't believe this because it doesn't make sense and there is nothing to be seen in sysetemctl
    • rip your DVDs and store them as mp4 - no comment
    • get a usb player or buy a dvd or blue ray player from walmart for 50 bucks - thank you. this is not an anwer to the question. I don't have the space for yet another device

    I had kodi installed on my media server (running ubuntu server) for some time, but out of reasons unknown, after a system upgrade, hdmi stopped working as it should . I liked the kodi DVD support which worked very nice. Running kodi on a Pi is a very good solution for me but I'm missing the DVD.

  • While building the new image is in progress I wonder if the open-iscsi package could be built for itself and then included somehow or, even better, built as a plugin? This would possibly be faster and leverage system updates without rebuilding the entire image. Just an idea...

    I guess the makefile in the open-scsi package is used by the image build and cannot be be used standalone. Right?

  • It'll be more work to create and maintain an add-on than to simply rebase the one-line/one-commit change to enable/include the package in a self-built image. The add-on would only work for your post-boot use-case whereas iscsi is more commonly used for early-boot things (albeit not within LE as I don't recall anyone complaining when we dropped it from the image).

  • I mistook SCSI for SATA! No need for iscsi-client. Sorry for this.
    I'll close this thread and open a new one for nbd.

    The good thing: compiling libreelec succeeded and iscsi-client was there. Thanks for the instructions.