I'm trying to re-write the addon I created to control the fan inside the Deskpi Pro case.
In order to control the fan, I need the serial. Currently this is how I install it
pyserial_installer.sh, code inside:
cd ~/
wget https://github.com/jojobrogess/py…ags/v3.5.tar.gz -O pyserial-3.5.tar.gz
export tmp_dir=~/install_temp/
mkdir $tmp_dir
cd $tmp_dir
tar -xvf ~/pyserial*.tar.gz
cd pyserial*
python setup.py install --user
cd ~/
rm $tmp_dir/ -Rf
rm pyserial-3.5.tar.gz
I then run that file with install_pyserial.py, code inside:
os.system(f'cp {addon_directory}/resources/lib/pyserial_installer.sh {user_storage}/')
os.system(f'sh {user_storage}/pyserial_installer.sh')
With this method, everything gets installed to:
What I'm wondering is, is this an accepted install method?
or should I be creating a subdirectory within my addon with the module inside that.
As that is what the kodi docs seem to suggest:
Although it does say that there are modules available for use and pyserial is one of those modules but I don't know the addon id for it.
And modules can't be searched, or at least they don't have their own widget category.
And if I install pyserial with my current methodology, I can't use it as a dependency in addon.xml and it installs in a location outside of the addon directory/addon_data directory.
SIDE note, if a mod reads this:
My addon needs to modify the /flash/config.txt file, adding "otg_mode=1,dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host,dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17" to the EOF:
Display Spoiler
mount -o remount,rw /flash
echo "otg_mode=1,dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host,dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17" >> /flash/config.txt
mount -o remount,ro /flash
Is an addon "allowed" to modify that file?