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The latest https://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/LibreE…h64-12.80.0.tar contains another attempt at getting HiFi-Shield devices working. There's one dtb for the original/plus versions, and one for the v2 card. The dtb files are obviously named and can be seen in /usr/share/bootloader/amlogic .. You need to "mount -o remount,rw /flash" first and copy the dtb to the card, then edit the /flash/extlinux/extlinux.conf file to use the different dtb name. I believe the S/PDIF output should work. I'm not sure if the RCA/Phono outputs will work. Let me know.
Hi for all.
Great job chewitt . I'm impressed your knowledge.
I had some problems to work your image with sd card but after flashing emmc it started. [by the way, the same problem is with main branch image - work for me only from emmc].
But finally your image works well through analog output , with PCM5102 board. My DAC board is not HiFI Shield from HK and has no spidif output but has RCA analog output. I've tested only for a while but sound is flowing to amplifier.
After few years not using board today i enjoy RCA sound from my Odroid board. Finally I can play Kodi sounds to my amplifier.
Is it possible to add hifi shield dts files to main branch?
Thanks for the report. The device-tree files will be submitted to master (LE13) for wider use/testing and if that goes well I will think about backporting the same changes to LE12.
Hello chewitt ,
First of all, I would like to thank you for your efforts in supporting the HiFi Shield Plus on the Odroid C2 with the latest version of LibreElec.
On the odroid.com forum, I saw that you shared for a while an img.gz file containing the "meson-gxbb-odroidc2-hifishield.dtb" file. However, in the latest version of your image http://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/LibreE…droid-c2.img.gz, the file is not present.
Could you please let me know where I can find it in order to resolve my compatibility issue?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
darktigrous I've pushed updated images to my webshare that should contain the dtb files again. I'm interested to know whether this is working or not as I've rather forgotten status of things recetly (work/life is rather busy).
A big thank you chewitt !!!
I can confirm that the meson-gxbb-odroidc2-hifishield.dtb makes it possible to get sound working on my Odroid C2 with HiFi Shield Plus.
Now I can fully enjoy LibreELEC 12!
Thanks again!!!
Thanks for the confirmation, good to know it works