[RPi5] CEC Issue on Vizio TV

  • I am running nightly-20231204-0ee24f5 on a pi5. My Pi 4 running the latest stable 11.x version works properly.

    On my Vizio TV, the Pi5 does not announce the input name to the TV. It still says
    HDMI 1. Waking the pi from sleep/screensaver does not wake the tv and change inputs. Rebooting (hard or soft) does not wake the TV and change inputs. I have to do all these things manually.

    My Pi4 running the older version works fine. I can't test the older version (11.x) on the Pi5, so I don't know if this is a LibreElec bug or a pi5 incompatibility with my TV.

    Any insights?

  • I am now on the latest version of 11.x

    I am still having no joy with CEC and wakeup. My Rpi4 running osmc worked fine. So I assume its either a libreelec issue or an rpi5 issue.

    Any thoughts?

  • I have had bizarre issues where one device would talk CEC with the TV fine, and the other would not using the same cable. It made no sense to me. However I went though like 5-6 of my hdmi cables until I found one that worked for both devices. It seems to be much worse on 4K TVs and/or if you have an ARC audio setup.

    I would suggest getting a new 4k/8K certified HDMI cable if you don't have a pile of spares laying around just to test with. If it doesn't fix your issue, you could always return it to the store.