Hosts File Edits

  • I have a problem with my RPi 4 running LibreELEC 11.0.3 taking literally forever to scan and update new movies.

    The KODI.log file shows tons of these errors:

    2023-11-01 16:57:56.076 T:948 error <general>: Unable to lookup host: 'myserver-pc'

    I read that the proper way to edit the hosts file to add an ip address for myserver-pc is through the storage folder. Is this correct because I don't seem to have a storage folder (attached screenshot)?

  • The root of the SMB share is the /storage folder in the OS. So from there, visit to Configfiles > hosts.conf - but note that you must use a text editor that supports Unix line endings to edit the file, i.e. Notepad++ as most versions of the default Notepad.exe app don't and Windows line endings cause problems.

  • Another way to go is to take spare (unused/old) Raspberry Pi and install Pi-hole and use as central DNS & DHCP solution.

    Then You have a centrally managed DNS name and DHCP solution (and ad-blocker if desired...)