4K video 3824x1588 is downscaled to 1920x1080 (TV 4K capable)

  • Hi,

    RPi4 latest Libreelec.

    4K video with resolution 3824x1588 is downscaled to 1920x1080 (TV is capable playing 4K videos and plays perfectly standard 4K resolutions)

    2023-10-21 17:37:14.801 T:1033     info <general>: [WHITELIST] Searching the whitelist for: width: 3824, height: 1588, fps: 23.976, 3D: false
    2023-10-21 17:37:14.804 T:1033     info <general>: Display resolution ADJUST : 1920x1080 @ 23.976025 Hz (40) (weight: 0.000)

    Question: is there a way to force upscale to standard 4k resolution rather than downscaling to FHD


  • I checked Kodi logs and as I understand my TV supports these modes:

    So you're saying that for 4K video with resolution out of list above screen resolution will always be set to 1920x1080 ?

  • hello, I want to ask, I have a LG nanocell 4k and connected rpi 4 with LibreElec and I also have Hdmi 2.1 but in kodi in the settings I can't set in the white sheet set 4096x2160p 60.00hz why?

  • in kodi in the settings I can't set in the white sheet set 4096x2160p 60.00hz why?

    You probably haven't forced the RPi4 to support 4K60 modes in config.txt. The 4K60 modes are not enabled in RPi4 firmware by default, and to MatteN point most users have no need for them (the only media I see "in the wild" above 4K30 is test media).

  • You probably haven't forced the RPi4 to support 4K60 modes in config.txt. The 4K60 modes are not enabled in RPi4 firmware by default, and to MatteN point most users have no need for them (the only media I see "in the wild" above 4K30 is test media).

    I put hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 in config.txt, otherwise many movies are not in 4k 60 quality??