First boot, stuck on boot screen

  • You forgot "of=" before the output device -"dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M"

    so long,


    Thank you, that worked. The output is as follows:

    dd: error writing '/dev/mmcblk0': No space left on device

    3814+0 records in

    3813+0 records out

    3998220288 bytes (3.7GB) copied, 628.821802 seconds, 6.1 MB/s

    I performed this on a 4GB microSD card. So that looks like it worked fine, right?

  • Hello everybody.
    First of all thanks to everyone for donating time working on LibreELEC and supporting all the users with various problems.
    I also own a Minix Neo U9-H and stumbled over the same problems as Computeraar. I tried to investigate the situation and since everything works pretty well unless the box is running from the sd-card interface I thought it must have something to do with the block devices getting mixed up.
    I started in text mode and could fire up kodi with '/lib/usr/kodi/' and also play video but without sound, since the audio interface is not set up unless I start 'systemctl start kodi'. After this the file system of 'STORAGE' is destroyed leaving me with the assumption that the hdmi audio device driver falsely grabs the sd-card interface (mmcblk0, mmcblk0p1 (FLASH) or mmcblk0p2 (STORAGE)) writes data to it destroying the underlying file system.
    I have used AMLGX.arm-11.0.4-box for my investigations. I hope this helps solving the problem.
    If there's any further information needed please don't hesitate to ask.

  • In "textmode" boot a large number of services chained from systemd "" aren't ever started hence audio and other things aren't preconfigured properly for Kodi use. It's interesting to note a possible correlation with Kodi being started, but the assumption that "the hdmi audio device driver falsely grabs the sd-card interface" is creative thinking, but not possible in code.

    Have you previously reimaged the box with one of the custom legacy-kernel images? or is/was it still running a factory image? If the former, does the problem exhibit if you restore the box to factory spec first?

  • I also own a Minix Neo U9-H and stumbled over the same problems as Computeraar.

    Good to know it's not just me.

    Have you previously reimaged the box with one of the custom legacy-kernel images? or is/was it still running a factory image? If the former, does the problem exhibit if you restore the box to factory spec first?

    By this, do you mean one of the older LibreELEC versions? I haven't used any of those before, this is the first time I'm trying to run LibreELEC on this box.

    I'm currently using the stock Android 6 version that the box originally came with.

  • In "textmode" boot a large number of services chained from systemd "" aren't ever started hence audio and other things aren't preconfigured properly for Kodi use. It's interesting to note a possible correlation with Kodi being started, but the assumption that "the hdmi audio device driver falsely grabs the sd-card interface" is creative thinking, but not possible in code.

    Have you previously reimaged the box with one of the custom legacy-kernel images? or is/was it still running a factory image? If the former, does the problem exhibit if you restore the box to factory spec first?

    You're right. The audio driver interface was a very rough guess :)

    Trying to solve the 'dull colors on H.256 video' problem I have been trying a lot of various systems lately, including a late Android 7.1.2 version programmed to the flash which is currently running alongside with CoreELEC legacy 9.2.8 on the SD card. (Now I'm curious if I'm allowed to mention CoreELEC in this forum here :)
    I'm not sure if it's possible to get the box back to factory spec again - at least not without overwhelming effort.

    Since Computeraar's Minix seems to run the stock firmware in the flash this might not be te root cause of the problem.

  • Sorry to revive this but I’m facing the same issue. The box runs fine on old Android, i installed libreelec 11 on a sd card, boots fine does some checks then reboots. Kodi shows up then goes back to libreelec splash screen and get stuck there. Any solutions ?