Can't boot after "getedid create"

  • Hi everyone,

    I need some help with edid settings, and after creating an issue on github, i carefully read the first page of the wiki... wich says: "User support is managed through our forum".

    So here i am. On a fresh LE11 install, my last step was to create edid. I ran "getedid create", then the computer rebooted ans show this error message :

    Failed to Allocate memory for Kernel command line, bailing out

    booting kernel failed: bad file number

    If i edit "syslinux.cfg" and remove the edid stuff, LE boots correctly.

    On the wiki page, it's written the line should look this like this:

    APPEND boot=LABEL=System disk=LABEL=Storage ssh quiet initrd=/edid.cpio drm.edid_firmware=edid/edid.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D

    Mine is :

    APPEND boot=UUID=8707-E8F2 disk=UUID=30a6f81e-8280-4890-8705-8bb7f126ff22 quiet initrd=/edid.cpio drm.edid_firmware=edid/edid.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D

    It looks ok even if there is no ssh option.

    Can someone help me ?

    And last thing, i think there is a mistake in the wiki, the line for "HDMI-A-2" is not exactly the same.

  • Update. I modified the APPEND line to use "old style" method (the HDMI-A-2 in the wiki).

    Copied edid.bin to flash root.

    Added bin file to append line.

    It boots, but acts like edid isn't taken in account.

    Today i'll try on another computer.

  • Sorry i can't edit my posts, so have to reply to myself.

    I tried on another machine (Asus CN62 Chromebox with MrChromebox UEFI) and got same result : Booting kernel failed: bad file number.

    On a Lenovo computer ( M710s / i5) no problem.

    So it's not a Libreelec problem, but a UEFI bios problem. I'll try to understand and find some help (if someone got an idea, he's welcome).