Can't find BBC3

  • Environment: Dell Optiplex i5-6500, LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-12.0-nightly-20230923-86f2494.img,Hauppauge WinTV-dual HD - Dual tuner, TVHeadend 4.3, Rumster Forest mast

    One of my newsfeeds mentioned a program I'd like to record. Its on BBC 3. I have BBC 3 on my Panasonic TV, and I can find it using SichboPVR on a Windows PC but I can't find it on Kodi/TVHeadend. I do have the 522MHz (which is where the BBC channels are) mux set up but no sign of it. I also have a number of timers set up so don't want to wipe everything and start again. Any suggestions / help?

  • Environment: Dell Optiplex i5-6500, LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-12.0-nightly-20230923-86f2494.img,Hauppauge WinTV-dual HD - Dual tuner, TVHeadend 4.3, Rumster Forest mast

    One of my newsfeeds mentioned a program I'd like to record. Its on BBC 3. I have BBC 3 on my Panasonic TV, and I can find it using SichboPVR on a Windows PC but I can't find it on Kodi/TVHeadend. I do have the 522MHz (which is where the BBC channels are) mux set up but no sign of it. I also have a number of timers set up so don't want to wipe everything and start again. Any suggestions / help?

    It does look like it is supposed to be on 522MHz. I'm guessing you've tried rescanning?

    Have you checked the other muxes, in case it is on one of those?

  • I've tried rescanning and looked at the other muxes. I currently have some timers set for programs for She Who Must Be Obeyed once they're done with I'll uninstall and reinstall TVHeadend.