Advancesettings.xml <enablehighqualityhwscalers>true</enablehighqualityhwscalers>

  • Hey.

    This is just a question.

    Did kodi team do smth to the <enablehighqualityhwscalers>true</enablehighqualityhwscalers> when using a nvidia card after 19.5?

    It loads correctly but from advancedsettings BUT still i can only choose from bilinear, nearest neighbor or auto. there is no lanczos3 optimized ot the others.

    It worked perfectly in 10.04. Maybe smth happened bug related that makes it skip enablehighqualityhwscalers in builds after 10.0.4?

    tested 10.04=work on nvidia gtx1080, tested 11.0.4 with rtx3070=dont work, tested gtx1080 11.0.4 and nighly= not working, i cant test rtx3070 on 10.0.4 because its not supported.

    Its just a question and if other nvidia users have the same. or if someone at libreelec team can answer :)

    Its in regards to generic 10.0.4 and generic-legacy 11.x. in software decoding it works to choose all others, Lanczos3 Optimized etc

    Sorry i missed to add that

    best regards

    Edited 3 times, last by palle_c (October 19, 2023 at 10:04 AM).

  • enablehighqualityhwscalers was removed from Kodi. That setting only allowed "non-optimized" Spline36/Lanczos3, now those methods are visible by default.

  • Hi.

    Ohh they did? wiki still says that its in use.

    I removed the setting from advancedsettings but they still do not show up :(

    Maybe a bug that affects nvidia cards in libreelec builds after 10.0.4?


  • Do you have something i can test? i have a spare pc with the gtx1080 card in.

    I cant find beta1 of libreelec 11 to download to see if the bug is present there or not.


  • Yes, I PR'ed the fix to Kodi.


    Thank you so much smp!! Very appreciated! :thumbup:

    Is it possible to let me know when i the fix is in the le11-generric-legacy nightly?

    Have a continued nice weekend.

    Best regards

    Edited once, last by palle_c (October 21, 2023 at 3:36 PM).

  • I didn't PR a Nexus backport, Kodi 21 should be out soon. I'm not even sure if there's going to be Kodi 20.3. You can keep using my LE11 image until LE12 is out.

  • Team Kodi didn't decide on a 20.3 release yet, but it would be good to send the PR in case it happens (the idea has been made). It's always better to merge patches upstream instead of adding them downstream at the LE repo.

  • I didn't PR a Nexus backport, Kodi 21 should be out soon. I'm not even sure if there's going to be Kodi 20.3. You can keep using my LE11 image until LE12 is out.

    Oki, i was just afraid that if i updated to latest nightly i would loose the vdpau patch :) (haven't tried it yet and i dont know if it would work but i think i could just have copied the RendererVDPAU.cpp over to a new install)

    Its amazing that no one with nvidia have noticed it before with the missing scalers options, its been gone since le11 beta i guess.

    Once again Thanks a lot for helping me out, i will make this thread "Solved" :)

    Team Kodi didn't decide on a 20.3 release yet, but it would be good to send the PR in case it happens (the idea has been made). It's always better to merge patches upstream instead of adding them downstream at the LE repo.

    Yea, Im just thinking of the next poor person who installs LE11 and says what i said "wth, whys isn't "enablehighqualityhwscalers" working :)

    Thanks chewitt!

    ooops, forgot to mark it "Solved"

    Edited 2 times, last by palle_c: Merged a post created by palle_c into this post. (October 28, 2023 at 6:24 PM).

  • I'm just thinking of the next poor person who installs LE11 and says what i said "why isn't "enablehighqualityhwscalers" working :)

    You're the first person to notice since LE11 shipped and nVidia active-install numbers continue to decline over time (we've been telling people to avoid nVidia cards for years now) so the chance that someone else spots the problem is fairly low.

  • You're the first person to notice since LE11 shipped and nVidia active-install numbers continue to decline over time (we've been telling people to avoid nVidia cards for years now) so the chance that someone else spots the problem is fairly low.

    Yea i know and you have told me before hehe

    I'm never dropping nvidia, once libreelec does that will be my last version. I have tested intel graphics and picture quality isn't the same (for me anyhow) Now that i got lanczos3 optimized back the quality is even crispier like that is was on 10.04.

    I did some other tweaks too, found out that nvidia only runs in performance mode 8=P8 when running hd videos so i added a line in xorg-nvidia.conf and now its using P0 and wattage only increased 4-5w and its utilization is at 35-38% so im happy with smp's build :)