mounting pCloud drive on LibreELEC - rPi 3b+

  • Hello everyone,

    I compiled the pcloudcc CLI client for pCloud on Raspberry Pi OS and used it successfully there to mount the cloud drive and play music from there with kodi.

    I would like to do the same thing for libreELEC, but it looks like fuse is not part of busybox, so not sure if it is a possibility at all.

    The os build is minimal so no apt-get and the rest...I tried to go through the documentation on making an add-on and cannot make much sense of it.

    Any views?

    Thanks in advance

  • there's pcloudcc in /usr/local/bin and, how do I tell pcloudcc where the shared libraries are?

    I tried copying both in the same directory (/storage/backup) and amending PATH, but no joy

    raspi:~/backup # PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/storage/backup

    raspi:~/backup # echo $PATH


    raspi:~/backup # ./pcloudcc -h

    ./pcloudcc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    raspi:~/backup #

    Should I amend the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the


  • I'm not sure if that's an error about finding or is dynamically linked against other things which are missing and thus it fails to open the file which it found. There's no harm in experimenting with LD_LIBRARY_PATH so give it a try. You can also share the output from "ldd /storage/backup/" to see whether it's linked against anything missing.

  • looks like you are right about linked libraries not being found... here's the output from ldd of is missing, not sure how to fix that.

    I tried to copy it to the same directory but is expecting it elsewhere.

    raspi:/usr # ldd /storage/backup/ => (0x7eef2000)

    /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ (0x76ca0000) => not found => /usr/lib/ (0x76c71000) => /usr/lib/ (0x76fdf000) => /usr/lib/ (0x76aa0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x76a60000) => /usr/lib/ (0x768f0000)

    /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ (0x76fb7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x76880000)

  • libfuse and libfuse3 are included in the network-tools addon package.

    libfuse is included in the system-tools addon package.

    You will need to reboot after the addon is installed

  • Thank you Heitbaum, now ldd shows that all the linked libraries can be found.

    Amending the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the gets pcloudcc to work.

    Thank you!


    raspi:~/backup # ./pcloudcc -h

    pCloud console client v.2.0.1

    Allowed options:

    -h [ --help ] produce help message

    -u [ --username ] arg pCloud account name

    -p [ --password ] Ask pCloud account password

    -c [ --crypto ] Ask crypto password

    -y [ --passascrypto ] arg Use user password as crypto password also.

    -d [ --daemonize ] Daemonize the process.

    -o [ --commands ] Parent stays alive and processes commands.

    -m [ --mountpoint ] arg Mount point where drive to be mounted.

    -k [ --commands_only ] Daemon already started pass only commands

    -n [ --newuser ] Switch if this is a new user to be registered.

    -s [ --savepassword ] Save password in database.

    So to summarise for whoever comes next:

    - compile pcloudcc on Raspberry Pi OS changing the setting for the correct processor

    - copy pcloudcc and to somewhere in the storage filesystem

    - install the network tools and system tools add-ons

    - amend LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the pcloud library

    - reboot

    Thanks again for your help!