getty on rpi4

  • I would like a getty -- not ssh -- to debug a network problem. Is this possible?

    Sometimes LibreELEC loses it's network connection on my rpi4. I'd like to fix it properly, so I want to run connmanctl while the problem is active. I can't ssh in when there's a problem, because the network is down. Before the network is down, I can ssh.

    Rebooting fixes the problem, ie. the network reconnects, so it's a transient problem. Restarting the network without rebooting asks for a wifi password, but rebooting seems to remember the wifi password. I'd like to run connmanctl to figure out what's happening. It happens every few days.

    I've run connmanctl in the cron to see if I can fix it, but it's laborious to run through all connmanctl options every few days like that.

    Location makes a wired network cable a little problematic, so I was hoping there's some reasonable way to start a getty.

    I've tried adding "console=serial0,115200 systemd.debug-shell=1", but minicom isn't connecting. I have confirmed debug-shell does start /bin/sh on /dev/console. I am willing to work on this instead of a usb keyboard getty instead.

  • Drop the "=1" after systemd.debug_shell (that would set the serial device), console=serial0,115200 systemd.debug_shell is working fine here.

    I also have dtoverlay=disable-bt here in config.txt so that the AMA0 UART is used for the console.

    so long,


  • Drop the "=1" after systemd.debug_shell (that would set the serial device), console=serial0,115200 systemd.debug_shell is working fine here.

    I also have dtoverlay=disable-bt here in config.txt so that the AMA0 UART is used for the console.

    so long,


    Thanks. Minicom works now.