RPI3 11.0.3 Multipath reads files at end of play

  • I have Kodi 11.0.3 installed. All video files are on a windows server and accessed via SMB. On this Server, there are some thousend videos organized in about 25 folders.

    in Kodi, I have defined in "sources.xml" some entries for one single folder each. Access to such a folder works fine.

    But, I have also defined one multipath entry, which defines all of the 25 folders together. When I select this entry(which has about 5000 video files, it takes about 1 minute to display the list. (This was also so in Kodi V9,ok) However, when I play a video, and stop it, the multipath file will be opened again and it need again 1 minute, until the file list will be displayed.

    In Version 9, the multipath open after stopping a Video was not so.

    How can I suppress the second opening of the multipath and display the old selection list

  • Kodi is not good with large file listings, but this is how Kodi is coded (and something likely changed between Leia and Matrix) so your options are to seek changes from the people who code Kodi (via the Kodi forum) .. or since everything is open-source, you can modify Kodi code and recompile things yourself (although few users will have the skills for that).