Why the unnecessary limitation on changing Name servers in DHCP mode

  • Hello,

    I do not understand why this unnecessary logic is in place to stop anyone from setting their own DNS servers when in DHCP mode, after all I may need to take my Libreelec/Kodi box on a trip and it is easier to stay in DHCP mode as you may not know the IP range at the other location, but what you may want to do is keep your DNS servers the same.

    So i am struggling to understand why someone has gone to lengths to make this rule?? it's not in any standard that I am aware of, and it's easy to do on other devices so slightly puzzled.



  • This message is to the moderators, why is my account still being monitored for new responses and new posts, it is taking so long to get any reasonable responses from this forum because of this

  • So i am struggling to understand why someone has gone to lengths to make this rule?? it's not in any standard that I am aware of, and it's easy to do on other devices so slightly puzzled.

    You are welcome to complain to the upstream maintainers of ConnMan who authored/coded the connection manager whose features and capabilities we expose via the dbus agent in the Settings add-on. TL/DR; we didn't code anything or go to any lengths.

    Unless you're planning to submit upstream patches to change worklows; the workaround will be to create a systemd service that runs before kodi.target and after network-online.target, that applies your preferred DNS server config to the active ethernet service using a connmanctl command. You'll find some useful prior art for something similar in other forum posts from users trying to change service (routing) order for VPN connections (also done with connmanctl commands).

    NB: initial post approval applies to everyone and while your posts might not be visible to all users, they will be visible to mods/staff who are most likely to be the people replying. It is done solely for anti-spam reasons only, and is effective, and the algorithm that auto-manages it normally lifts restrictions quickly. If you're deeply offended by it or ragingly impatient, you're probably in the wrong forum.

  • NB: initial post approval applies to everyone and while your posts might not be visible to all users, they will be visible to mods/staff who are most likely to be the people replying. It is done solely for anti-spam reasons only, and is effective, and the algorithm that auto-manages it normally lifts restrictions quickly. If you're deeply offended by it or ragingly impatient, you're probably in the wrong forum.

    I live in a time zone which means., under the current system of approval, that the normal cycle of post-to-possible response is usually in excess of 24 hours, which when you are trying your best to get to know a product is frustrating. I did find your comments ref my impatience more than slightly offensive and perhaps I am the wrong person for this PRODUCT and Forum, so let's see.

  • LibreELEC is $free open-source software not a PRODUCT from a company, and no user from any timezone has a right to instant or rapid support from the unpaid volunteers who give up their free time to work on the distro and staff this forum.

  • LibreELEC is $free open-source software not a PRODUCT from a company, and no user from any timezone has a right to instant or rapid support from the unpaid volunteers who give up their free time to work on the distro and staff this forum.

    I do enjoy the odd post from the narcissist community who eventually will inform you that you are not worthy of their input. Maybe these narcissists should band together and establish their own forum. Now that would be entertaining to see. Imagine trying to get agreement on a project’s direction. My way or the highway.

  • LibreELEC is $free open-source software not a PRODUCT from a company, and no user from any timezone has a right to instant or rapid support from the unpaid volunteers who give up their free time to work on the distro and staff this forum.

    Correct and folly endorse but in this day there are many similar companies such as yourselves, who appear to be operating a security-conscious forum but in a more tolerant way.... just an observation

  • LE is not a company. We have no products. There is no Engineering, no Project Management, no Product Management, no Marketing, .. and no Sales. We do have a support forum. You are welcome to use it (as-is) .. or not. Your choice.