Movie covers

  • I have to hard drive loaded with mp4 movies & TV shows. Everything is good, but no covers. I don't keep the pi 4 connected online, I just have my tb portable drive with mp4 on it connected.

    So, here's the question, I have two main folders MOVIES/ and TV SHOWS as the main sourse on the drive. So, do I just create sub-folders inside of the MOVIE folder and drop the movie file and movie paster into the folder and else I do to get the cover to show up when going to the main MOVIE folder to see all the movies.

  • First time back in while.

    I don't keep my Raspberry Pi connected online at all.

    So, since my local artwork which is the movie poster is saved along with my movie file in the sub-folder

    home along (1990).mp4

    home along (1990-poster.jpg

    do u still have to have a connection to get local artwork to show up.

  • I removed Retropie to get it out of the way and installed Kodi 20v the newest version, so maybe i have better luck.

    When i get here, to the sub-folder that has my movie and cover inside, like a dvd case It just keep showing the folder icon when i get there, with the missing movie cover. So, i knew that now Retropie is out of the way, just Kodi 20, I can hopefuly do this better.

    Ok, it's not because, i'm no learning, it's that doing this here for the first time is like putting a puzzle together.

  • Kodi uses the "Videos" menu to give a quick file-browser interface. It does not show any artwork unless the file happens to have been scraped into a library view (and thus references to the artwork-to-use are available). The "Movies" and "TV Shows" menus are library based, you need to "scrape" content in to them; either using internet scrapers or a local file scraper (which would e.g. find local artwork in the same folder). I suggest you have a read of

  • this morning, as i was still looking, when i got to the movie folder label HOME ALONG, I did a long press on OK on the remote control and a popup came up (Set Content)

    My movie covers are on the usb drive with the movies, so how do i get kodi to use my local artwork on the usb drive, do i need to do a scrap for kodi to locate my local artwork saved on my drive.

  • i been browsing and came across where it tells about create your Movie Set Information Folder on the drive but not in the source folder. DEo that where i place all my movie posters or what it for

  • Read the sections on scrapers and how to use directories/filenames to get things to scrape accurately. They apply to offline media and the local filesystem scraper as much as online scrapers. If you store media in the right structure and filenames it all "just works" .. and if you stick with some homebrew structure that doesn't follow the rules the results are probably doesn't work.

  • Now that i have KODI on the computer, i was playing around with it.

    For my needs, all Since i don't keep my Pi connected to the internet uless i updated KODI every few months.

    I just removed the MSIF folder from the USB drive and Just my main folder MOVIE folder with the sub-folders for each movie file and poster along with it.

    All i did went back to the computer access the usb drive, the movie file stays the same

    Home Alone (1990).mp4 and the poster just name poster.

    So instead of naming the movie poster like Home Alone (1990)-poster.jig or poster.jig which that would be why the movies will show up in PICTURES with the Movie poster showing.

    So, i started messing around with KODI on the computer and tried many things out renaming the posters.

    So i just rename the poster just plain poster. No .jig just plain poster and access the video and went to my USB drive on the TV that is and went to the MOVIE source folder, and select scroll down the list of movies and my movie covers were showing.

    One question.

    When i do go to my movie collection, under were the poster is display, it says below No Information available