SD video corrupted, HD video perfect

  • I'm using the latest version of the generic build of libreelec.

    I've been watching HD videos from my NAS perfectly for about a year now, no problems, but I tried watching an old SD video that was displaying perfectly before, but it now appears green and gray and washed out, and there are two dupicate copies of each frame. One in the top left and top right corner.

    At first I thought that this was an interlacing problem but I've tried every option on the menu and the all look the same.

    This is on every 720 or below video that I have regardless of what software I ripped it with. All of the videos used to play properly and play properly in vlc on my pc, so it's definitely not a problem with the videos.

    I checked and I'm on the latest stable build, I don't think that I've changed any settings recently, but since I've mostly been watching blu Ray rips it may be due to a change or system update from months ago.

    I've not yet tried downgrading to an older version

  • Post some logs so people can see what’s going on.