Installing LibreElec on a partition

  • I have a 256GB SSD which will be used in the Dell Optiplex that will run Kodi. I'll be installing that latest v12 nightly I can get at the time I do the install.

    The install menu simply says install but what I'd like to do is reserve some of the SSD to be formatted in NTFS. Is this possible, if so how?

  • Hi, maybe try this: After the LE installation finished, run a live linux from USB (Ubuntu...), use a partition manager (gparted) to resize the LE "user" partition to free up some space and create a new partition... About the NTFS partition... If that partition do you want to use with the LE too, perhaps you should use EXFAT instead, the NTFS sometimes isn't handled well in case of linux OS. Or if that PC will be used only for LE, the EXT4 is the best choice.