General question, how reliable is Libreelec KI Pro? Not sure whether to opt for that or a Kaby Lake ITX system. Would rather the Mecool/Videologic box if it's stable. Will be using the TV tuners a lot.
[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro / KI Pro
afl1 -
November 29, 2016 at 9:04 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Oh I see, I forgot to mention that I am using VDR (not TVHeadend). Is there a generic way to scan, independently of TVHeadend or VDR ?
No other way for KII Pro.
Hi afl1
You will no longer collect firmware for s905?
On firmware from kzaq since version 8.1.0 on power-up, tvheadend shows satellite channels (dvb-s2) for 10-15 seconds and the picture freezes. Then there is no signal. If you reboot K1 plus, then all the channels work fine.
On your firmware this was not.
Thank you!
Hi afl1
You will no longer collect firmware for s905?
On firmware from kzaq since version 8.1.0 on power-up, tvheadend shows satellite channels (dvb-s2) for 10-15 seconds and the picture freezes. Then there is no signal. If you reboot K1 plus, then all the channels work fine.
On your firmware this was not.
Thank you!
There is no issue with tvheadend and LE 8.2 versions . I've been verified version 8.1.5 on my KI Plus and there are no channel freezes for DVB-S2.
Try clean installation on new SD card.
I stopped building LE 8.x as internal dvb driver is included in kszaq builds and there is no reason to build parallel versions.
For serious reporting provide debug logs from kodi and tvheadend.
I did a clean install on the sdcard, did not help.
I made a log. Please see, as it becomes time.
Thank you
Hi afl1.can you build on the amiko a4 dvb-s2 libreelec version with the support of s2?
Hi afl1.can you build on the amiko a4 dvb-s2 libreelec version with the support of s2?
No, there is no public linux driver for m88dm6000.
I did a clean install on the sdcard, did not help.
I made a log. Please see, as it becomes time.
Thank you
It looks like issue in tvheadend.
Code2017-08-21 17:16:47.732 [WARNING] linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : DVB-S #0 - retune 2017-08-21 17:16:49.122 [WARNING] TS: 36E/12341L/СТС Transport error indicator (total 1) 2017-08-21 17:16:51.749 [ ERROR] descrambler: ECM - key late (7507 ms) for service "СТС" 2017-08-21 17:16:57.224 [ INFO] subscription: 0003: " [ | Kodi Media Center ]" unsubscribing from "СТС", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center" 2017-08-21 17:16:57.226 [ INFO] mpegts: 12015.18R in 36E - tuning on Availink avl6862 #0 : DVB-S #0 2017-08-21 17:16:57.462 [ INFO] subscription: 0006: " [ | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "THT HD", xweight: 150, adapter: "Availink avl6862 #0 : DVB-S #0", network: "36E", mux: "12015.18R", provider: "HTB+", service: "THT HD", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center" 2017-08-21 17:17:09.087 [WARNING] subscription: 0006: service instance is bad, reason
Try to use this version:
Also you can try to use my testing version corresponding to LE 8.1.5
This version is built for KI Pro, you have to replace dtb.img with nougat dtb: Index of /s905/8.2/device_trees/
In this version are some fixes for amlogic rendering and controlling amlogic codec by kodi.
Wygląda na problem w tvheadend.
Code2017-08-21 17: 16: 47.732 [OSTRZEŻENIE] linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 # 0: DVB-S # 0 - retune 2017-08-21 17: 16: 49.122 [OSTRZEŻENIE] TS: 36E / 12341L / СТС km błędu przewozowego (łącznie 1) 2017-08-21 17: 16: 51.749 [ERROR] descrambler: ECM - klucz późno (7507 ms) dla usługi "СТС" 2017-08-21 17: 16: 57.224 subskrypcja [INFO]: 0003: " [Kodi Media Center]" wypisywanie z "СТС", nazwa_hosta = "", nazwa_użytkownika = "", " Klient = "Kodi Media Center" 2017-08-21 17: 16: 57.226 [INFO] mpegts: 12015.18R w 36E - dostę pna na Availink avl6862 # 0: DVB-S # 0 2017-08-21 17: 16: 57.462 Subskrybowanie kanału "THT HD", x: 150, adapter: "Availink avl6862 # 0: DVB-S # 0", sieć: "36E", mux: "12015.18R", dostawca : "HTB +", usługa: "THT HD", profil = "htsp", nazwa_hosta = "", nazwa_użytkownika = "127.0. 0,1", klient = "Kodi Media Center" 2017-08-21 17: 17: 09.087 Subskrypcja [OSTRZEŻENIE]: 0006: wystąpienie usługi jest złe, powodem
Spróbarka tej wersji:
LEKCJA 8.1.5
Ta wersja wydana dla KI Pro, należy usunąć dtb.img nougat dtb: Index of /s905/8.2/device_trees/
W tej wersji są poprawione do renderowania amlodycznego i kontrolującego kodeków kodów kreskowych.
Mam problemy z OSCam w przeglądarce (extjs.html #) w zakładce "CA" Mam czerwone okrąg z wykrzyknikiem. W tej kompilacji: "LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2c-I", "service.tvheadend42-8.1.114" było w porządku
Has installed on sdcard your firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-devel-201708221034-g8c1f5c4-I.img.rz and Tuned tvneadend, all transoders. Sat channels all show off excellent. Turned out K1 plus. After 20 minutes, turned on and tvneadend no signal. I reboot K1 plus. And all the channels show perfectly. I scribbled two log files. One after switching on. The second after the reboot.
Thanks for your work!
Has installed on sdcard your firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-devel-201708221034-g8c1f5c4-I.img.rz and Tuned tvneadend, all transoders. Sat channels all show off excellent. Turned out K1 plus. After 20 minutes, turned on and tvneadend no signal. I reboot K1 plus. And all the channels show perfectly. I scribbled two log files. One after switching on. The second after the reboot.
Thanks for your work!
There is again issue with channel THT HD.
Code2017-08-22 16:49:55.511 [ INFO] subscription: 0003: " [ | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "THT HD", xweight: 150, adapter: "Availink avl6862 #0 : DVB-S #0", network: "36e", mux: "12015.18R", provider: "HTB+", service: "THT HD", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center" 2017-08-22 16:50:06.276 [WARNING] subscription: 0003: service instance is bad, reason: No input detected
Pls try clean installation from scratch with fresh DVB-S scan.
I tried more times power off/on on my box without any issue.
I did a clean install on the sd card. And I did a new scan of dvb-s
But it did not help.
Then I began to experiment with firmware versions. I managed to find out that this is not a bug tvheadend.This is bug firmware.
I think that the error started with the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2c-I
Tomorrow I can say more precisely
Hi AFL1,
Could you please update your git, I get the following error when I compile 8.0.2b or 8.0.2c from git.
Thanks !
Display MoreUNPACK qca9377-aml APPLY PATCH (common) /home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2c/ patching file CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg.c patching file CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_main.c patching file CORE/SERVICES/BMI/ol_fw.c patching file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/if_ath_sdio.c patching file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/native_sdio/include/hif_internal.h patching file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/native_sdio/src/hif.c Hunk #10 FAILED at 813. Hunk #11 FAILED at 830. Hunk #14 FAILED at 1424. 3 out of 18 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/native_sdio/src/hif.c.rej patching file Kbuild Hunk #1 succeeded at 1069 (offset 1 line). Makefile:9: recipe for target 'release' failed make: *** [release] Error 1
Also, when I deactivate this patch I get the following error (in 8.0.2b) :
Also you can try to use my testing version corresponding to LE 8.1.5
This version is built for KI Pro, you have to replace dtb.img with nougat dtb: Index of /s905/8.2/device_trees/
In this version are some fixes for amlogic rendering and controlling amlogic codec by kodi.
I installed that build on my KI Pro (out of curiosity mainly) and have found a couple of times after coming back to the box the screen is as the screenshot below, rebooting fixes it. I'm on a regular non-HDR 1080p TV. Logs attached.
I installed that build on my KI Pro (out of curiosity mainly) and have found a couple of times after coming back to the box the screen is as the screenshot below, rebooting fixes it. I'm on a regular non-HDR 1080p TV. Logs attached.
I know about this issue. When hdmi-out device (TV) is off, the box is switching to 720p.
Hi afl1
I conducted an experiment.
I made a clean installation of the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-devel-201708221034-g8c1f5c4-I.img.gz on sdcard.
Installed service.tvheadend42-8.2.112e and scanned from scratch dvb-s.
The problem after switching on K1 plus did not dare, it shows 10-15 seconds and the picture freezes. If you reboot K1, then all the channels show excellent.
Then I started looking for a working firmware. Previously, there was no such problem.
Through the libreelec \ update folder, I installed the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.4.tar (8.1.3, 8.1.2, 8.1.1, 8.1.0 and LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0 .2c- I.tar) on all firmware after power on K1 plus the picture freezes. And only after installing the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2b-I.tar all the freezes have passed.
On firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2b-I.tar K1 plus works perfectly.
I think the bug started with the version of the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2c-I and still is from the firmware to the firmware. But he was noticed only by me.
How to fix it I do not know
Hi afl1
I conducted an experiment.
I made a clean installation of the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-devel-201708221034-g8c1f5c4-I.img.gz on sdcard.
Installed service.tvheadend42-8.2.112e and scanned from scratch dvb-s.
The problem after switching on K1 plus did not dare, it shows 10-15 seconds and the picture freezes. If you reboot K1, then all the channels show excellent.
Then I started looking for a working firmware. Previously, there was no such problem.
Through the libreelec \ update folder, I installed the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.4.tar (8.1.3, 8.1.2, 8.1.1, 8.1.0 and LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0 .2c- I.tar) on all firmware after power on K1 plus the picture freezes. And only after installing the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2b-I.tar all the freezes have passed.
On firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2b-I.tar K1 plus works perfectly.
I think the bug started with the version of the firmware LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.2c-I and still is from the firmware to the firmware. But he was noticed only by me.
How to fix it I do not know
In version 8.0.2c kszaq has included internal dvb driver in his builds. There was little change, he replaced my tuner driver (r848) with cracycat69 media_build version. For testing I prepared version with old tuner driver.
In this version submitting command lsmod you can can see r848a module.
Display MoreLibreELEC:~ # lsmod Module Size Used by r848a 34282 1 avl6862 252946 1 8189es 1149087 0 cfg80211 365310 1 8189es fuse 80171 2 8021q 19119 0 aml_fe 4946 0 aml 89804 1 aml_fe dvb_core 102114 2 aml,aml_fe wifi_dummy 806 0 mali 198592 5 amlvideodri 12594 0 videobuf_res 5402 1 amlvideodri videobuf_core 16491 2 amlvideodri,videobuf_res videodev 148837 1 amlvideodri media 25119 2 videodev,dvb_core dwc_otg 232319 0 fbcon 37495 0 bitblit 4484 1 fbcon softcursor 1184 1 bitblit font 7287 1 fbcon
Hi AFL1,
Could you please update your git, I get the following error when I compile 8.0.2b or 8.0.2c from git.
Thanks !
Display MoreUNPACK qca9377-aml APPLY PATCH (common) /home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2c/ patching file CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg.c patching file CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_main.c patching file CORE/SERVICES/BMI/ol_fw.c patching file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/if_ath_sdio.c patching file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/native_sdio/include/hif_internal.h patching file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/native_sdio/src/hif.c Hunk #10 FAILED at 813. Hunk #11 FAILED at 830. Hunk #14 FAILED at 1424. 3 out of 18 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file CORE/SERVICES/HIF/sdio/linux/native_sdio/src/hif.c.rej patching file Kbuild Hunk #1 succeeded at 1069 (offset 1 line). Makefile:9: recipe for target 'release' failed make: *** [release] Error 1
Also, when I deactivate this patch I get the following error (in 8.0.2b) :
I found also that media_build doesn't compile (at least in 8.0.2b) because of patches that can't be applied. Could you please check that ? I think this is the same for 8.0.2c.
Display MoreBUILD media_build (target) make[1]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' make -C linux/ untar make[2]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' tar xfj linux-media.tar.bz2 rm -f .patches_applied .linked_dir .git_log.md5 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' make -C /home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/ make[2]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' Forcing kernel version to 3.14.29. scripts/ make[3]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' Applying patches for kernel 3.14.29 Updating/Creating .config patch -s -f -N -p1 -i ../backports/api_version.patch make[3]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' patch -s -f -N -p1 -i ../backports/pr_fmt.patch make[4]: Entering directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' Unapplying patches patch -s -f -R -p1 -i ../backports/api_version.patch make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/nabil/LIBREELEC/AFL/8.0.2b/' Applying patches for kernel 3.14.29 patch -s -f -N -p1 -i ../backports/api_version.patch patch -s -f -N -p1 -i ../backports/pr_fmt.patch 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/dvb-frontends/dvb-pll.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/dvb-frontends/gp8psk-fe.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/dvb-frontends/lgdt3306a.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/dvb-frontends/nxt200x.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/dvb-frontends/nxt6000.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/dvb-frontends/or51211.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/media-devnode.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/btcx-risc.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv-driver.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv-gpio.c.rej 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv-i2c.c.rej