[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro / KI Pro

  • Hello Stemuz,

    Thanks for your reply. It is on SD Card. The install completed without power of, i repeted the install several times.
    Any other Idea ?
    Also it works with the build from November.



    Try reinstalling the android firmware img using the usb burning tool, and then format the sd card using diskpart (if on windows)
    Run diskpart

    Type listdisk

    It will list the connected devices,

    Disk 1 500gb
    Disk 2 3000gb
    Disk 3 2000gb
    Disk 4 32gb

    The sd card would be disk 4 for example, so

    Type select disk 4
    Type clean
    Type create part pri

    Then u can close and format normally in windows.
    Downloaded the latest afl1 img.gz and unzip the gz file
    Then using win32 disk imager create a sd card from the unzipped img file

    Whenever i kill any of my boxes, s802, s805, s812, s905, s905x i always follow that process to "bring it back to life" and every one has come back on and back to libreelec

    Only other way would be to install the november build and then ssh in and update that way

  • Anyone tested Oscam with VDR? I configured all like in LE7 and encrypted channels not working. VNSI message "no data"
    Channels without encruption works ok.

  • Guys I want to thank you for working on this build.
    I own a KII pro and I am pleased to see that still some people are working on making this box really useful!
    However, I have no idea on making builds or even replacing the "device tree blob (dtb.img) with KII_Pro.dtb",
    so please can you guide me or send me a link where to find some info on replacing the device tree blob?
    your help would be greatly appreciated

  • Guys I want to thank you for working on this build.
    I own a KII pro and I am pleased to see that still some people are working on making this box really useful!
    However, I have no idea on making builds or even replacing the "device tree blob (dtb.img) with KII_Pro.dtb",
    so please can you guide me or send me a link where to find some info on replacing the device tree blob?
    your help would be greatly appreciated

    First you need to write the image (...tar.gz) to sd card with win32diskImager (or alike), after written replace the given dtb.img file with the one in the sd card.

    Edited once, last by aligulhan (December 30, 2016 at 8:07 PM).

  • I have k2 pro , i tested vitmod image by replacing dtb file, for boot i got
    "ssh :can't access tty : job control turned off"

    i used different dtb file from original k2 pro official android image , device stuck on amlogic logo!! what can to do

    Note:LibreELEC-Amlogic.aarch64-KII_Pro- work well