[Solved] Intermittently spinner in video and live tv stays visible - channel list empty after stop

  • Still ongoing with the most recent nightly.

    One thing, which came to my mind, is, if it might have something to do with inputstream.adaptive? I have the feeling, that the spínner problem mostly happens, when I start a live tv channel after I have watched something in addons like Netflix or Amazin VOD. Could there be a relation? Does pvr.hts even use inputstream.adaptive?

  • Could you provide a little more detail on your Live TV setup. You say you are running the server on a separate RPI. A little more detail on the hardware and OS you are using on that side. What type of router are you using.

    You don’t mention what skin you use. Try a few different skins as a test to see if it solves the problem.

  • petediscrete

    TVHeadend is running on a regurlarly updated Arch Linux aarch64 on a RPi 4 with 4GB RAM. TVHeadend is built and installed based on the package from AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tvheadend-git

    My router is OpenWRT based, snapshot from main built on July 29th running on a Edgerouter X SFP.

    Usually I used Estuary, since a couple of weeks I used Estuary Mod V2, both have the issue with the ongoing spinner. Now I tried Aeon MQ9, right after I watched something on Amazon VOD and the same happened - in this case not a spinner, as the skin doesn't have a spinner, instead on top is shown "Zwischenspeichern" (translated to english "Caching"), which is not going away, although the channel is already playing fine. After hitting stop, the channel list was empty and I had to restart Kodi, as usual. So maybe not skin related but, thanks for the tip!?


    Will do that, thanks. As soon as I have it done, I will post the link here.

  • Have you played Live TV directly in TVH and checked for signal quality and possible frame dropping. I’m assuming video files in LE are playing ok. Have you YouTube installed in LE. If so is that playing ok.

    Without having your system in front of me it’s sound like some form of buffering issues. I’m not too familiar with Arch Linux so I’m just guessing what the problem could be here. Have you tried in the Kodi and Arch Linux forums for possible solutions.

  • petediscrete

    Yes, in TVHeadend with the web player playing Live TV works, as well as with VLC. This issue does not exist with video files or any of the video addons (Amazon VOD, Netflix, Disney+, Youtube).

    Thanks for the tip to ask in the Arch Linux and Kodi forums, not done so far.

  • petediscrete

    Yes, in TVHeadend with the web player playing Live TV works, as well as with VLC. This issue does not exist with video files or any of the video addons (Amazon VOD, Netflix, Disney+, Youtube).

    Thanks for the tip to ask in the Arch Linux and Kodi forums, not done so far.

    You’ve probably narrowed it down to a possible LAN issue. Assuming Arch would support an installation of Kodi locally try installing Kodi on your local server and evaluate the performance of Live TV there.

    You don’t mention if you are using WiFi anywhere between the Server and client. If so replace it with a wired connection. I’ve seen the spinning wheel behaviour and the lack of channels quite often with a WiFi connection.

  • I have EXACTLY the same issue with the most generic setup as possible. Its a Intel X86_64 computer running Libreelec. TV connected to HDMI and also HDMI-sound used. The computer have a DVB-S2 PCI card ( 06:00.0 Network controller: Techsan Electronics Co Ltd B2C2 FlexCopII DVB chip / Technisat SkyStar2 DVB card (rev 02) ). TVheadend server and client are running on the same machine ( . Its a simple "HTPC"-Setup. A computer attached to the TV in the living room.

    It was running before LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0.4.img.gz - the issue was not there.

    Now LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-11.0.3.img.gz - the issue like mentioned in this thread is here.

    Its the HTPC from older people i have to drive over 100 km to fix stuff. Thats why the upgrade from 10.0.4 to 11.0.3 was only installed after 3 stable point release. It should be as stable as possible. But its not. I have driven today over 100 km because of this issue and dont know how to fix it.

    I attached the log from the reported and today partly reproduced issue - the spinner was not visable today (but have been reported to be there in livetv) but the channel list was gone after starting and stopping some channels. I shortened the kodi-logfile at the end where it was repeating nearly the same thing over and over again.

    The people have to restart the HTPC to get the channel list back.

  • Now it happend again, with debug enabled. I hope, that this time the debug log might give any insight.

    However, the log is quite big, as it happened after days. As it has over 6 mio. lines, I was not able to use https://paste.kodi.tv/. Instead, I have uploaded it to Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wtIbV4…iew?usp=sharing

    I hope, this is ok. If not, what could/should I do instead?

    I started to play a radio channel at 9.25 today and the spinner stayed. After I pressed stop at 13:31, the channel list was gone. Actually, this time, I had the screen off, so I did not notice it earlier. Sorry for that.

    Another thing, which actually got my attention is, that minutes before I stopped the channel, the kodi.bin process consumed nearly 90% of the 4GB RAM - my locally running Zabbix made me aware of this. Maybe, this has something to do with that?

    So far, I had not the time to disable all addons, and test to enable one after the other. The issue with that is, that the staying spinner and the loss of the channel list happen totally random, which makes this approach time consuming and uncertain. But I will also try that, as soon as possible.

    I forgot to post the link to the Githib issue, I created for that: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/23738

    Edited once, last by denk: Ein Beitrag von denk mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. (September 17, 2023 at 1:15 PM).

  • Could you mention in github (i dont have account there) that i have same issue with completely different hardware and a small amount of addons? Maybe the developer would like to ask me also some things i could try out.

  • Could you mention in github (i dont have account there) that i have same issue with completely different hardware and a small amount of addons? Maybe the developer would like to ask me also some things i could try out.

    Done. Thanks for joining in.

  • Fixed by https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/23844. As soon as a more recent commit of the Kodi source is included in LibreELEC, the issue should be fixed. Thank you very much to ksooo and all the others contributing.

    A hacked fix so I wouldn’t class this as resolved. This issue was reported on a number of forums particular to Live TV PVR and a number of factors could be at play here causing the problem. Yes it appears to be resolved now but that could change quickly.

  • Kodi dev who provided the fix was able to reproduce the issue. Not to mention that the fix worked for the OP. I don't see a reason to call it "hacked".

    Only repeating what the dev stated on the GitHub originally before the post was edited.