How to get a 4k GUI ?

  • Hi,

    It's all in the title. I couldn't find any way of getting the UI to go 4k. The uppest I can go is 1080p 30fps, that's really low. I tried setting hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 in config.txt, but after this, the UI only occupies a quarter of the screen. That is really strange. And I have no new setting appearing. So I rolled back. I couldn't find any answer to this in this forum. Could someone help me please ? Thanks in advance and have a great day.

  • Kodi is pre-configured for 1080p max as RPi4 (and all the other ARM boards/boxes we support) don't have the CPU grunt + I/O performance + memory bandwidth for handling 4K artwork. If you really must have 4K GUI .. you'll need to switch to a higher-end Intel device with fast RAM and an SSD or NVMe drive. And then you'll discover that most TVs do a better job of scaling 1080p art to 4K than Kodi does.

    Have a read: