I migrated from LE 9 to LE 11 (it's about time) on my Raspberry Pi 4.
Everything is working fine except TV.
I got a Hauppauge soloHD DVB USB dongle and use TVHeadEnd plugin.
When I play a TV channel, sound plays but I get no image.
- In kodi.log this line appears several times : error <general>: CDVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME::AddData - send packet failed: End of file (-541478725)
- When playing a recording or timeshifting, it works
Only live TV sucks
- When deactivating DRM PRIME HW decoding, it works (but I must reactivate it to play 4K movies
- It worked on LE 9
Any idea how I could watch live TV without deactivating HW decoding ?