LE 11.01 Generic, choppy playback sometimes

  • LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.1.img.gz on an old PC with 4 core AMD CPu and ATI Radeon 7770 1Gb graphicscard.

    When playing 23.976 fps 1080P H264 NO problems, smooth flow, but when Playing 25fps 1080p H264 sometimes it gets choopy like every second it "jumps" a bit. strange thing is if I stop that choppy video and start it again it can play perfect....

    sync to display disabled

    auto refreshrate on start/stop, delay 3 seconds

    HW decode enabled

    otherwise nothing special chanced in settings,

    Is this a hdmi handshake problem?

    Yamaha reciever and a simple 1080p TV LCD

  • Is the 25Hz material interlaced? If yes, you need to configure "refresh rate doubling" and 1080@60/59.94/50 modes and ensure 25/29.97/30Hz modes are NOT enabled.

  • ok, yes I think its interlaced, will check later... I will try the "refresh rate doubling" and 1080@60/59.94/50 modes....

    What about whitelist? should I remove my options there or leave it as is,,, Now i have all 1080P fps version in whitelist

  • Update, really strange, did all the setting you said, but strangly Kodi play back the video perfect 50% and choppy 50% of the times I try.

    For example, I start the Video, plays perfect even 2 hours straight, but if I paus the video, and hit play it gets choopy, then paus it again it plays perfect....... same if I stop the video then play again, 50% perfect and 50% choppy,,, whats going on?

    It sure has something to do with Interlaced video and how Kodi handles it

    No problems what so ever so far with progresive video

    Did you set up Whitelist?

    And is 25fps in that list?

    Maybe your display wont support 25fps, my Sony LED tv dont.

    Yes I did try with 25fps and 50 fps with double frames allowed, same problems, and YES I can see 25 fps in whitelist, if that means my TV support it or not I have no idea

    Edited once, last by hundrakg: Merged a post created by hundrakg into this post. (April 21, 2023 at 6:51 AM).