No HDMI Audio on Acer AspireRevo R3610

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  • LE11 is also not working on my Zotac NS21 Box with Nvidia ION. I get video but no sound.

    Here's a clip of my Xorg.log with a driver warning if that helps.

  • Some additional Xorg.log which suggests no drivers for any of the audio devices?

  • Please check and take screenshots of the LE11 Kodi Player settings 'Settings | Player | Video |'.

    The cause may be in the Processing settings.

  • I had a similar problem with vortexbox and alsa audio output several years ago. Caused by the the alsamixer default the output to 00.

    Solution then was to go to 'alsamixer' and increase the level manually from the CLI GUI.

    Alsamixer isnt installed, from what I can see as I'm sure things have changed. Looks like pulseaudio is now used.

    I don't really know what I'm talking about, but thought it might help someone to look in the right direction.

  • I have found the alsamixer addon via LE repo: Program Add-ons > Multimedia Tools.

    Now what? I can't get it to run. It says it is for the console?