No HDMI Audio on Acer AspireRevo R3610

  • LibreELEC Generic Legacy v11.0.3 x86, still no audio :(

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • I noticed the exact same issue after upgrading to LE11 generic_legacy., my sound stopped working via HDMI.
    As a workaround I have plugged an audio cable to an analog IN on my receiver from the headphone output on my HTPC, but it's not exactly an elegant solution.

    Did any of the people that had the same issue find a solution in the end?

  • I am also having this problem. I have an Asrock Ion 330 with Nvidia Ion. It worked fine in LE 10. Upgrading to 11 broke it. No more audio. Downgrading to LE 10 doesn't seem possible as the install 'type' is incompatible (Generic vs Generic.Legacy). I tried to upgrade to LE 12 beta 2, but it still doesn' fix it. I also tried the alsamixer utility, but no luck.

    Here is the log URL:

  • I am also having this problem. I have an Asrock Ion 330 with Nvidia Ion. It worked fine in LE 10. Upgrading to 11 broke it. No more audio. Downgrading to LE 10 doesn't seem possible as the install 'type' is incompatible (Generic vs Generic.Legacy). I tried to upgrade to LE 12 beta 2, but it still doesn' fix it. I also tried the alsamixer utility, but no luck.

    Here is the log URL:

    As a test, I just ran LE 10 from a Live USB. It worked perfectly again. I will probably run LE 10 from USB until I can find a solution to the problem in versions 11 and/or 12.

  • dhomas Have you tried a clean install vs. upgrade? (or stop Kodi and rename /storage/.kodi to sidestep all current config). I ran a boot test on LE12 to look at alleged audio issues with an ageing Xtreamer Ultra2 (ION) board a couple of weeks ago (first boot in nearly a decade) and audio was working for me.

  • dhomas Have you tried a clean install vs. upgrade? (or stop Kodi and rename /storage/.kodi to sidestep all current config). I ran a boot test on LE12 to look at alleged audio issues with an ageing Xtreamer Ultra2 (ION) board a couple of weeks ago (first boot in nearly a decade) and audio was working for me.

    Good call. I'll try a Live USB running LE12, instead of my upgraded instance and report back.

  • Honestly.. no clue. I'd suggest reporting the problem to Linux audio developers via the alsa-devel mailing list. Feel free to CC me (chewitt@ le domain) if you do, then I'll see any replies. Tell them the kernel version you're using (distro is nice to know, but don't labour the point) and the hardware, and ask for guideance on how to provide debugging info.