WeTek Play 2 not shutting down

  • It's a known issue. I rather lack the code knowledge to investigate and there's basically nobody else who cares for older Amlogic hardware around here so I wouldn't want to raise hopes of it being resolved :)

  • I also installed LE 11 on my dusty Wetek Play 2 and experience the same problem.

    I was previously on LE 9 with the original Android EMCC. Shutdown worked fine, even with the remote control.

    Roughly two weeks ago, I installed LE11 on the SD card and then used emmctool to write the LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0.1-wetek-play2.img.gz image to /dev/mmcblk1. Since then the device reboots on shutdown. On suspend the device seems to reboot, but HDMI output/screen is off (no signal) yet the LED is blue. It doesn't react to the Wetek remote either. I need to plug the power and then re-plug it to boot. It's annoying :(

  • The suspend/wake code is contained in the bl301.bin file that forms part of the early boot firmware chain; and even though we are using upstream u-boot, we are (or should be) using the same bl301 code that shipped with the original boxes, as I extracted the FIP sources from the vendor u-boot sources WeTek shared with me. If that's not the case, I don't personally have the skillset to investigate the problem much further (and don't have time or interest for learning new tricks currently either) .. so unfortunately, it is what it is /shrug