I have updated my rather old mini pc from LE10 to LE11, and now realised that xrandr utility is missing.
This is a generic x86 version of LE....
I was previously using it in a script on LE10 (also Generic x86) that was fixing the issue I have.
The script was disabling and enabling hdmi port every time i switch off my TV, as sometimes audio would get cut.
The scenario is, I am playing music/internet radio from kodi machine that is sending audio via hdmi to my home cinema system (sony), then when i switch off the TV, audio stops (in maybe 20% of cases, not everytime)
then the script fires:
export DISPLAY=":0"
sleep 5
xrandr --output HDMI2 --off
sleep 1
xrandr --output HDMI2 --auto
and all is good again.
now in LE11, without xrandr, I have to either toggle HDMI with a remote of the cinema amp to something else, then back to kodi hdmi input, or toggle the tv again, anyway not really convenient and cannot be scripted.
would appreciate if someone knows about a utility I could install from repository that could do this task...