adding movie poster to Kodi v20

  • I got a USB drive connected to my computer right now, I had just put a mp4 movie file on the USB drive and connected it to my raspberry Pi4 and started up Kodi. I can acess my movie good, but as for my movie poster, i re-connected the USB drive to the computer, and uploaded the poster, 1000px x1500px to the usb drive.

    So, do i need to create a folder on the drive for the poster. i seen many info online on how to do so. i tried it but it all fail.

    I tried creating a folder on the drive naming it MOVIES and inside creating a sub-foler naming it the movie title and droping the movie file and poster into the folder

    (CHIP 'n DALE RESCUE RANGERS (2022)-poster.jpg

    (CHIP 'n DALE RESCUE RANGERS (2022.mp4