How to control Libreelec?

  • Hi,

    can someone please tell me how to control LE on a raspberry connected to a TV after a fresh install? The webserver is turned off, so yatse and browser are not working. Remote Control is also not working.

    As i have ssh access i tried to turn on webserver via guisettings.xml and advancedsettings.xml. Not working.

    I had LE running before, but had some problems, so i made a clean install. I had no HDMI output and i added a line in the config.txt to get it working. I see the wizard but cant click anything.

    Any Ideas? I did not find anything only the settings.xml changes, which did not work.



  • The webserver is turned off, so yatse and browser are not working. Remote Control is also not working.


    For first settings, always better to use a USB wired/wireless keyboard. For remote: go to System - Services - Control and enable the "Allow remote control via HTTP". If appear something about "Authentification", at same page you can enable the authetification (or just confirm if want to use without).

  • Thanks, didnt know about this kodi-remote. Will try it.

    So i guess i did connect a keyboard back then. I just thought its only working with wired keyboard which i dont have anymore.

    I would also suggest a boot parameter for enabling http? Like ssh?

  • I would also suggest a boot parameter for enabling http? Like ssh?

    Use any cheep standard PC usb keyboard. It's need only for first boot, to finish the setup, the SSH setup is part of that. The HTTP remote you can enable as I mentioned before using the keyboard. No need any "boot parameter". And for remote, I like to use the classic IR remote and for RPi is really easy to make it working.

    If you don't have a keyboard, probably works with a USB mouse too (for text will appear the virtual keyboard), didn't tried...

  • I dont know any numbers, but i would think that more people "need" HTTP on than SSH. But i also dont know how much effort it is to implement something like this, so its fine like it is :)

    Yeah i also have a remote as main controller but still use an app for checking/searching stuff. So my question was really just for inital setup.

    Thanks again for your help!