LibreELEC (Kodi 20) keeps prompting user profile

  • Hi LibreELEC,

    This bug appeared during the development cycle of Kodi 20. Apparently, at least on my installation, it didn't go away when Kodi 20 was released a couple of weeks ago.

    I am running the latest test build of LibreELEC:

    LibreELEC:~ # lsb_release -a

    LibreELEC (community): nightly-20230219-ebf3c2e

    This is how you can duplicate this bug, hopefully.

    Just let LibreELEC idle. The screen monitor will dim a little. Then you only need to hit a button (any) and after profile prompt will appear asking you to choose a user profile.

    This is happening every time Kodi goes inactive and the monitor screen dims. Sometimes happens when I am listening to some songs over streaming addons like Radio Paradise

    Here is some logging:

    Hope it helps.

    Is there any else having this issue?

    Please, let me know.

  • It turns out this was a 'feature' of Embycon (Emby addon for Kodi) that I wasn't aware.

    I'll let the fix here in case anyone else might bump into this issue in the future.

    You need to go into the Embycon addon settings and turn it off

    EmbyCon Settings -> Events -> Screensaver -> Show change user dialog 

    That's it.

    Hope that helps.