Grettings to all!
I have problems with flashing or/and booting my Box via SD card...
MXQ Pro Plus 4k 2/16 GB
CPU: S905X
MB: H234 v2.42 2017-11-20
WIFI: RealTek RTL8723
i've tried booting:
- TWRP S9XX (as "recovery.img")
- TWRP S905x (as "recovery.img")
- Some Custom ROMS burned with LibreELEC SD/USB creators (tried different device_trees)
SD card is 16GB formated in FAT32.
In every scenario i have same result - booting stuck at first logo...
At the moment i wait for A - A cable to flash it properly
Meanwhile i'm asking for some advices from more experienced android magicians...
What am i missisng here? What do i do wrong?
Whats my goal?
To make it usable! At the moment device is not running Disney+, HBO MAX, Amazon Prime and even have problems with YouTube... It is useless...
Please, HELP...
MXQ Pro+ (Plus) 4k - flashing / booting from SD
DzaQ -
February 9, 2023 at 4:20 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
U r sugesting, that i screw up the dtb names in uEnv.ini file by not editing them?
Nice! How did You know?
After burning bootable SD card with Legacy v9.2 img there is no uEnv.ini to edit and "dtb" folder with device-trees...
There is "dtb.img" file which have to be replaced by correct file from "device_trees" folder - i did that many times with several files...
No success...
<Self-slap applied!>
It is downloading now.
"I'll be back!"
I give up...
Always the same effect.
I thought that link above will deliver some anwsers, but finally nothing changed
Settting "meson-gxl-s905x-p212.dtb" in uEnv.ini should work with the box (except for WiFi/BT perhaps) although the ability to boot does still require the vendor bootloader to support looking for boot.scr or s905_autoscript on startup. Most do, but not unless you invoke the recovery boot process (holding the reset button during power-on and releasing at the right time, which might take some attempts to get right). If the recovery boot flow is not triggered the box will continue booting into Android or existing Linux OS. Sadly a) it's not as simple as just inserting the SD card, and b) the only real way to understand what is/isn't happening if it's not working is to attach a serial console. That generally needs the user to open the box and solder header pins to the board (as box manufacturers omit them to save pennies) before connecting the USB->UART device (which 99/100 users don't have). When it works it's great. When it doesn't it can be a hoop-jumping exercise
After burning bootable SD card with Legacy v9.2 img there is no uEnv.ini to edit and "dtb" folder with device-trees...
There is "dtb.img" file which have to be replaced by correct file from "device_trees" folder - i did that many times with several files...
No success...
I would only know why I wrote a description in the #1 post, if nobody ever reads it. It is almost 100% that the toothpick method was not performed.